Beverage Service Management - MINOR

The Beverage Service Management minor provides students with an opportunity to acquire deeper understanding and expertise in the beverage field. With its required 15 credits of beverage studies, the minor enables students to further explore their passion for beverages and develop important theoretical and practical competencies needed to pursue leading, internationally recognized, beer, wine and spirits-based certifications.

Beverage Service Management


FSM2055Beverage Appreciation *3
Choose 12 credits from the following: **12
Foundations of Wine
Exploring Mead and Honey
Brewing Arts
Coffee, Tea, and Non-Alcoholic Beverage Specialist
Volcanic Island Wines: The Azores and Madeira
Mediterranean Wine, Spirits and Cheese
Exploring Ciders and Fruit Wines
Advanced Wine Studies
Spirits and Mixology Management
British Practical Brewing (Study Abroad)
Advanced Brewing Theory and Analysis
JWU Uncorked: Old World Wines & Beverages
The Business of Alcohol Distribution, Retail and Sales
Food and Beverage Strategies and Logistics
Beverage Operations Management
Total Credits15.0

FSM2055 Beverage Appreciation is a required course except for students who have completed CUL1365 Exploring Beverages, CUL2235 Contemporary Service and Restaurant Supervision or CUL2510 Contemporary Restaurant Operations and Management.


Students are responsible for meeting prerequisites.

If a minor course is listed as a major course in a student’s major program, the student must choose additional courses from an elective list to complete the minor. Please see the Minors, Specializations and Certificates page for additional information.