Professional Communication - MINOR

The College of Arts & Sciences offers minors that enhance and strengthen the qualifications of graduates. They are intended to give students opportunities to develop expertise in an area that complements their major program. Real-world applications are embedded in the minors.  

Having strong communication skills is essential for success in many fields of business and industry. Whether making decisions, analyzing performance, designing user-friendly systems or managing a project, effective communication of business and technical details is needed. This minor focuses on building written and oral communication, use of new media, collaboration and problem-solving skills as part of career education.

Professional Communication


ENG2010Introduction to Technical Communication3
or ENG2030 Newswriting
ENG3010Technical Editing3
Choose three of the following: *9
Influencer Marketing
Introduction to Technical Communication
Creative Writing
Advanced Business Communication
Food Writing
Travel Writing
Sports Writing
Fashion Writing
Literary Editing and Publishing
Basics of Graphic Design
Writing for Radio, Television and Film
Writing for Publication
Writing in Digital Media
Introduction to Project Management & Project Membership
Intermediate Project Management Skills
Total Credits15.0

Students are responsible for meeting prerequisites.

If a minor course is listed as a major course in a student’s major program, the student must choose additional courses from an elective list to complete the minor. Please see the Minors, Specializations and Certificates page for additional information.