MBA - Operations and Supply Chain Management Concentration

The Master of Business Administration degree program with a concentration in Operations and Supply Chain Management allows graduate students to recommend and command business decisions as they relate to continuous process improvement and strategic management. Emphasis is on quality control, process improvement, procurement and profit maximization. The program is developed and updated in collaboration with students and successful industry leaders, enabling our diverse student body to advance in their professional careers by attaining business competencies as well as leadership, strategic and creative thinking skills in the ever-changing global business environment.

The program allows graduate students to delve deeper into the realms of logistics, operations management, strategic sourcing and other aspects of business operations. Companies are looking to improve processes and streamline services in order to remain competitive in the evolving business landscape. The curriculum is informed by the Lean certification body of knowledge and allows students a pathway to pursue industry-relevant certification.

Upon completion of the program, graduates are expected to:

  • Gather, interpret and analyze research to inform decision-making at operational and strategic levels of an organization.
  • Use advanced communication skills and awareness of cultural differences in global and domestic business interactions.
  • Analyze problems from a diverse perspective, propose effective solutions and evaluate the impact of executive decisions.
  • Assess and evaluate business entities taking into account cross-functional environments as they affect ethical decision making in domestic and global organizations.
  • Analyze business supply chains and make strategic recommendations for maximizing benefits to all stakeholders.

Master of Business Administration – Operations and Supply Chain Management Concentration

Master of Business Administration 

Foundation Courses
BUS5000Business Fundamentals3
BUS5010Quantitative Methods in Business3
Core Courses
ACCT5600Accounting for Strategic Decision-Making3
BUS5600Business Analytics3
FISV5600Financial Management3
MGMT5575Operations Management3
MGMT5800Effective Leadership3
MRKT5500Strategic Marketing3
RSCH5800Evidence-Based Research in Management3
Operations and Supply Chain Management Courses *
MGMT6310Designing & Managing Supply Chains3
MGMT6320Global Strategic Sourcing3
MGMT6330Global Logistics3
MGMT6340Lean Production and Quality Control3
Career Capstone Course
MGMT6800Business Policy and Strategy3
Total Credits36.0-42.0

Note for Providence Campus students: MBA concentration courses may only be available online. Students should consult with their academic advisor regarding course availability and for planning.

Please see a campus catalog for Admissions Requirements for this program.