Business Studies - B.S.

Effective May 17, 2024 FYS1020 and CAR0010 will no longer be requirements in our undergraduate programs.

The Business Studies bachelor’s degree program offers a general business education to individuals already holding an associate degree or equivalent in any field. Earning the bachelor’s degree will generally require two additional years of study.

The program’s curriculum builds on the College of Business core courses to establish a broad overview of traditional business areas including management, accounting, marketing and operations. Students also take courses through the College of Arts & Sciences to help ensure they acquire skills important for professional success and lifelong personal and intellectual growth.

Upon completion of the program, graduates are expected to:

  • Apply the major concepts, skills and values of business administration.
  • Communicate effectively to diverse audiences, purposes and situations through a variety of professional methods within business administration.
  • Use decision support tools to resolve contemporary business issues using ethical business practices.

The general business competencies and skills gained through this program are designed to complement the candidate's associate degree education.

Business Studies

A four-year program leading to the bachelor of science degree for graduates of two-year associate degree programs or equivalent

First two years:60-63
Associate degree or equivalent. Students must meet program's general education requirements listed below.
in Baking & Pastry Arts
in Culinary Arts
Third and fourth years:
Business Foundations
ACCT1210Financial Accounting3
ACCT1220Managerial Accounting3
BUS1001Introduction to Business and Management3
BUS3010Business Analytics3
BUS4030Global Strategy Capstone3
CAR0010Career Management1
FIT1040Spreadsheet Design for Business Solutions3
LAW2001The Legal Environment of Business I3
MGMT2001Human Resource Management3
MGMT2030Operations and Supply Chain Management I3
MRKT1001Marketing Foundations3
Major Courses
MGMT2020Organizational Behavior3
Choose one of the following: 3
Managerial Technology
Process and Quality Management
A&S Core Experience
Integrative Learning 3
One ILS course at the 4000 level
Arts and Humanities 6
Ethics: A Global Perspective
One course from ART, HIST, HUM, LIT or REL
Statistics I
Social Sciences 6
One course from ANTH, GEND, LEAD, PSCI, PSYC, RES or SOC
A&S Electives3
Total Credits61.0
Four-Year Credit Total121.0-124.0

** General Education Requirements

All students are required to complete a science course i.e. PHY, BIO, CHM, SCI and MATH1002 A Survey of College Mathematics  (or higher, based on student's placement) or its equivalent. 

For students without an awarded Associate in Science degree from a regionally accredited institution, the following courses are required in order to meet minimum accreditation standards.

Transcripts for these students will be evaluated to determine transfer credit eligibility for the following courses:

ENG1020Rhetoric & Composition I3
ENG1021Rhetoric & Composition II3
ENG1030Communication Skills3
MATH1002A Survey of College Mathematics (or higher, based on student's placement)3
ScienceOne course from BIO, CHM, PHY or SCI3
A&S ElectivesTwo courses with an EASC attribute6
** Students must complete 14 courses (at least 42 credits) of general studies within the BS degree.

In collaboration with academic colleges across all JWU campuses, JWU Global Study Abroad programs offer a variety of international, domestic, and digital options for major, minor, free electives, experiential learning, and transferable courses. There are many affordable options for students during a semester, winter session, spring and/or summer breaks.  Faculty-led, exchange, affiliate, and direct-enroll programs range in duration from one week to a full semester or full year. Financial aid may be applied, and some partners offer external scholarships.  Premiere programs do not qualify for JWU scholarships or grants; however federal aid is available.  Visit the study abroad website for information, program descriptions and online applications. Where will you go? Wherever you decide, make the best of your educational journey!

Johnson & Wales University holistically reviews all elements of a student’s application to identify those students most likely to succeed at the university.

The Business Studies program is for transfer students only, a completed application, high school and/or college transcript(s) is required for admissions review.

Acceptance into this program allows students to enter at junior-year status. To enter this program, students must have attained an associate degree or equivalent of 90 quarter credits in any program (60 semester credits). Admissions decisions may also consider individual experiences and particular circumstances unique to each student. Other considerations are made based upon recommendations, writing ability and extracurricular activities.

Visiting campus, both in‐person or virtually, and interacting with admissions staff are all valuable ways of assuring that JWU is the right university for you.

J2 Program

The JWU J2 program allows qualified students enrolled in a matriculating undergraduate program to take graduate level courses at JWU. Students interested in pursuing this option should meet with their academic advisor to discuss their interest, qualifications, and plans. The undergraduate student may take up to four graduate courses (maximum 12 credits) and are limited to 6 credits a semester and 3 credits per session (Fall Session I and Fall Session II). 

The completion of graduate credits to fulfill undergraduate program requirements does not guarantee acceptance into the graduate program after completion of the baccalaureate degree. Matriculating undergraduate students who wish to formally enroll in a graduate program, must fulfill all requirements for entrance into the intended graduate program and complete a graduate program application. 

Note: Not all graduate courses are included as part of this policy. Courses offered as part of the Masters of Arts in Teaching, Masters of Education, Masters of Science in Physician Assistant Studies and doctoral courses are excluded from this policy and are restricted to program majors only. Additional courses and/or programs as determined by individual colleges may also have restricted access.

Eligibility Criteria:

To be eligible to enroll in graduate level courses (excludes: Masters of Arts in Teaching, Masters of Education, Masters of Science in Physician Assistant Studies, doctoral courses and other programs as outlined by the colleges).

Undergraduate students must meet the following criteria:

·       Undergraduate cumulative GPA of 3.00 or higher

·       Completed & registered undergraduate credits at least 90 credits

·       Meet the individual course prerequisites

Appeal to Eligibility Criteria: College Dean or designee will receive a copy of the Petition Form, Student's GPS and email requesting appeal if the student requests to appeal the GPA or earned/registered credit criteria. College Dean / designee will review and determine approval.  

These courses carry graduate credit and will replace undergraduate degree requirements when applicable, traditionally free-electives (maximum of 12 credits). The course will be applied to the undergraduate degree in the order in which they are taken (if required) and will also be applied towards both the students undergraduate and graduate GPA.

Students should maintain enrollment in at least 12 credits of undergraduate coursework to maintain full-time status; graduate course enrollment is not calculated into undergraduate full-time status. For students already attending full-time as undergraduates (12 credits or more) and paying the full-time tuition, the graduate credits will be included in full-time tuition fee. Students attending part-time (11 credits or less) will pay the cost per-credit undergraduate tuition for the graduate course.

Course registration will be based on space availability and students enrolled in graduate level courses will be required to maintain good academic standing at the undergraduate and graduate level.