Hospitality Management - M.S.

The Hospitality Management Master of Science degree program provides students the skills and experiences needed to advance their careers in hospitality leadership positions. The field of hospitality is evolving — in order to meet the paradigm shifts in the service industry, professionals need contemporary training to maintain a competitive advantage. Students also have the opportunity to focus their field of study on becoming a hospitality educator or by advancing their career as a hospitality leader. Through the university’s relationship with the American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute (AHLEI), students are able to apply the program knowledge to a wide array of industry-relevant professional certifications upon completion of their master's degree.

Upon completion of the program, graduates are expected to:

  • Demonstrate advanced communication and presentation skills.
  • Differentiate cultural norms in global and domestic business interactions to effectively lead teams.
  • Critically analyze and critique research, financial performance and strategic plans.
  • Formulate ethical strategies to mitigate operational challenges within the hospitality industry.

Hospitality Management

Master of Science 

Foundation Course
BUS5010Quantitative Methods in Business3
Core Courses
FISV5600Financial Management3
HOSP5020Strategic Marketing in Service Dominant Logic3
HOSP6120Organizational Behavior in the Hospitality Industry3
HOSP6130Competitive Strategies in Hospitality3
HOSP6509Hospitality and Tourism Global Issues3
HOSP6900Hospitality Capstone3
RSCH5700Research and Inquiry3
Elective Courses
Choose three of the following:9
Franchising and Licensing
Benchmarking and Operations Analysis in the Hospitality Industry
Corporate Social Responsibility
Experience, Adventure and Education Tourism
Information Technology in Hospitality and Tourism
Leadership Theory and Practice
Event Leadership and Planning
Event Operations & Risk Management
Total Credits30.0-33.0

Please see a campus catalog for Admissions Requirements for this program.