Economic and Sustainable Global Tourism Development - M.S.

The Economic and Sustainable Global Tourism Development Master of Science degree program provides students with opportunities to immerse themselves in the different phases of planning and developing viable programs for sustainable tourism and economic development projects. Students gain a comprehensive knowledge of the newest trends in the tourism business through course lectures and professionally focused learning experiences.

Upon completion of the program, graduates are expected to:

  • Formulate strategies to attract and retain market share and promote social and economic development objectives for specific tourism destinations.
  • Communicate effectively with tourism industry stakeholders such as policymakers, members of the private sector and the general public.
  • Critically evaluate contemporary management and leadership strategies as they relate to the global tourism industry and sustainable business practices.
  • Create sustainable tourism development plan that encompass cultural, sociological and motivational differences.

Upon graduation, students may be employed by government agencies and international travel and tourism organizations as consultants and developers of tourism destinations. The private sector may also offer opportunities for employment to graduates of the program.

Economic and Sustainable Global Tourism Development

Master of Science 

Core Courses
HOSP6060Corporate Social Responsibility3
HOSP6080Experience, Adventure and Education Tourism3
TRVL5010Tourism Principles and Foundations3
TRVL5030Financial Concepts in Sustainable Tourism Development3
TRVL5050Foundation of Consulting for the Tourism Industry3
TRVL5070Global Tourism Marketing and Branding3
TRVL5120Planning for Ethical and Sustainable Tourism Development3
TRVL5140Product Development and Innovation in Sustainable Tourism — Shared and Experience Economics3
TRVL5210Tourism Economics3
TRVL6100Applied Research Methods in Sustainable Tourism Development3
TRVL6140International Tourism Development, Economic Issues and Strategic Solutions in the Developing World3
TRVL6180International Sustainable Tourism Policy Analysis and Development3
Total Credits36.0

Please see a campus catalog for specific admissions requirements information.