Baking & Pastry Arts - A.S.

The Baking & Pastry Arts associate degree program provides students with a practical, skill-based baking and pastry education that explores both traditional and contemporary techniques in the production of breads, pastries, cakes and desserts. The baking and pastry arts students, using the medium of food, progress through a program of study that builds competency in celebration cakes, artisan breads, chocolate confections, plated desserts and classic pastries in state-of-the-art laboratory classrooms.   

Upon completion of the program, graduates are expected to:

  • Execute professional techniques and skills needed to prepare, produce and serve desserts as it applies to the current food service industry.

  • Perform the skills and techniques of professional artisanal bread baking and viennoiserie.

  • Apply FDA recommended food safety and sanitation principles to products, tools and equipment used throughout the flow of food within the pastry kitchen.

  • Implement cost control measures to track goods, services and costs through the cycle of cost control and to evaluate revenue and expenses and their effect on profitability.

  • Communicate professionally and exhibit appropriate decision making skills with respect for individual and team diversity as it applies to the food service industry.

The first-year baking and pastry laboratory classes focus on skill development and the combining of ingredients to produce pastries, breads, cakes, plated desserts and chocolates. The second year focuses on advanced techniques for the production of entremets as well as the culinary/beverage and front-of-the-house skills needed in the execution of an artisan café.

Craft-based training is paired with traditional academic courses resulting in a curriculum that is both dynamic and directly aligned with industry needs. Students learn to develop recipes, implement cost controls, apply food safety and achieve a Conference for Food Protection approved Food Safety Manager Certification. General studies courses engage students in critical thinking and communication practices that align with industry expectations. The associate degree includes an internship experience that helps students gain industry experience. Students may engage in the internship experience locally, nationally and internationally if specified requirements are met. 

Graduates of the Baking & Pastry Arts associate degree are eligible for entrance into the following Bachelor of Science degree programs: Baking & Pastry Arts, Food & Beverage Industry Management, Culinary Nutrition, Culinary Science & Product Development, Food & Beverage Entrepreneurship, or Business Studies. Certain requirements pertain to each of these bachelor degree programs, which are noted in their respective program descriptions.

Baking & Pastry Arts

A two-year program leading to an associate degree

Major Courses
BPA1701Foundations of Baking and Pastry3
BPA1710Principles of Cake Production and Design 3
BPA1720Plated Desserts3
BPA1730Artisan Bread & Viennoiserie I3
BPA1740Artisan Bread & Viennoiserie II3
BPA1750Chocolate, Confections & Mignardise3
BPA2710Advanced Pastry Applications3
BPA2720Artisan Cafe3
Applied/Experiential Learning
Choose 12 credits from the following:12
College of Food Innovation & Technology Intermediate Internship
Study Abroad Sa
Related Professional Studies
FSM1165The Food Safety Manager *1
FSM2045Introduction to Menu Planning and Cost Controls3
University Core Curriculum
Communicating 9
Rhetoric & Composition I
Rhetoric & Composition II
Communication Skills
One course with the Connecting attribute (ECNG), at the 2000 level
A Survey of College Mathematics (or higher, based on student's placement)
A&S Elective3
One course with the Arts & Sciences elective attribute (EASC)
Total Credits61.0

Students must pass a national exam that is recognized by the Conference for Food Protection as a graduation requirement.

SaTo be eligible to count toward Applied/Experiential Learning, a Study Abroad offering must meet certain requirements. Contact JWU Global to discuss eligible Study Abroad options for this degree program.

Note: Students must pass MATH0010 Pre-Algebra or have equivalent placement scores to enroll in required math courses.

Note: Students must pass ENG0001 Writing Workshop or have equivalent placement scores to enroll in ILS 2000-level courses.

In collaboration with academic colleges Study Abroad offer several options, direct enroll with international universities, domestic and digital options meet with a Study Abroad Advisor to learn more about how your major, minor, free electives, experiential learning and transferable courses would benefit by a Study Abroad program. There are many options for students during a semester, spring and/or summer breaks. Faculty-led, exchange, and direct-enroll programs range in duration from one week to a full semester or full year. Financial aid may be applied, and some partners offer external scholarships. Visit the study abroad website for information, program descriptions and online applications. Where will you go? Wherever you decide, make the best of your educational journey!


Johnson & Wales University holistically reviews all elements of a student’s application to identify those students most likely to succeed at the university.

For first-year applicants, a completed application and high school transcript(s) are required. For transfer applicants, a completed application and high school and/or college transcript(s) are required. Completion of optional materials is encouraged.

Successful candidates for first year admission have taken a high school, college preparatory academic program including English, mathematics, science, social science and foreign language. Admissions decisions may also consider individual experiences and particular circumstances unique to each student. Other considerations are made based upon recommendations, writing ability and extracurricular activities.

Visiting campus, both in‐person or virtually, and interacting with admissions staff are all valuable ways of assuring that JWU is the right university for you.