Combined Degrees: Health Science B.S./Occupational Therapy O.T.D.

The College of Health & Wellness offers students an opportunity to earn both their undergraduate and graduate degrees through its Combined Degrees: Health Science B.S./Occupational Therapy O.T.D. program. This program enables qualified students to earn, in a continuous plan of study, both a B.S. degree in Health Science and an O.T.D. in as little as six years. 

Qualified students are able to complete nine core Occupational Therapy doctoral courses that will count toward their undergraduate Health Sciences degree. Visit the Health Science B.S. degree and Occupational Therapy O.T.D. degree program pages for program descriptions and outcomes.


Eligible undergraduate students who would like to pursue the Combined Degrees: Health Science B.S./Occupational Therapy O.T.D. program should apply directly for the program by November 15 of third year through the Centralized Application Service for Occupational Therapy Programs (OTCAS) system. Qualified students who elect the Combined Degrees: Health Science B.S./Occupational Therapy O.T.D. program as an undergraduate student must fulfill all admissions requirements for entrance into the intended doctoral program and complete a graduate program application. If admitted to the O.T.D. program, students will begin graduate study in the summer between their third and fourth year.

Health Science

A four-year program leading to a bachelor of science degree

Major Courses
BIO1011General Biology - Cellular3
BIO1016General Biology Laboratory - Cellular1
BIO1022General Biology - Organismal3
BIO1026General Biology Laboratory - Organismal1
BIO2003Human Anatomy and Physiology I3
BIO2006Human Anatomy and Physiology I Laboratory1
BIO2013Human Anatomy and Physiology II3
BIO2016Human Anatomy and Physiology II Laboratory1
HSC1010Introduction to Health Professions1
HSC1100Determinants of Health3
HSC1230Introduction to Public Health3
HSC2400Research Methods for Health Science3
HSC4900Data and Evidence in Health: Research Capstone3
Applied/Experiential Learning
Choose 6 credits from the following6
College of Health & Wellness Internship Ic
Directed Experiential Education D
Study Abroad Sa
Related Professional Studies
CHM1000Foundations in Chemistry3
CHM1006Foundations in Chemistry Laboratory1
CULN2414Cooking for Health and Wellness3
University Core Curriculum
Rhetoric & Composition I
Rhetoric & Composition II
Communication Skills
Two courses with the Connecting attribute (ECNG), one at the 2000 level, one at the 4000 level
Ethics: A Global Perspective
Additional course with the Experiencing attribute (EEXP) in a different discipline
Fundamentals of Algebra (or higher, based on student's placement)
Introduction to Biostatistics
Introductory Psychology
Additional course with the Interacting attribute (EINT) in a different discipline
A&S Electives6
Two courses with the Arts & Sciences elective attribute (EASC)
Free Electives #
8-9 credits selected from 1000-4999 numbered offerings within the university. 8-9
Doctoral Courses *
OTD7015Foundations of Occupational Therapy3
OTD7030Human Occupations and Participation Across the Lifespan2
OTD7070Introduction to Fieldwork1
OTD7130Occupational Therapy Assessment and Theory Across the Life Span3
OTD7160Human Conditions I3
OTD7170Occupational Performance and Participation in Groups3
OTD7190Research I3
OTD8220Research II3
Total Credits120.0-121.0

Students use 17 credits from major electives, 4 credits from related professional studies and 4 free elective credits for doctoral-level courses in the Occupational Therapy O.T.D. during their fourth year.

IcTypically, internships require a minimum of six credits. Students interested in a 9 or 12-credit internship can apply additional experiential learning and free elective credits, if available. Students are strongly encouraged to contact a faculty advisor before scheduling internship and free elective credits.

D Directed Experiential Education (DEE) opportunities are based on project availability with community partners and student eligibility. For more information, visit Experiential Education & Career Services (EE&CS). 

SaTo be eligible to count toward Applied/Experiential Learning, a Study Abroad offering must meet certain requirements. Contact JWU Global to discuss eligible Study Abroad options for this degree program.

Occupational Therapy Doctorate 

Occupational Therapy Doctorate (OTD)  

Core Courses
OTD7015Foundations of Occupational Therapy3
OTD7030Human Occupations and Participation Across the Lifespan2
OTD7060Occupational Perspective on Health3
OTD7070Introduction to Fieldwork1
OTD7130Occupational Therapy Assessment and Theory Across the Life Span3
OTD7160Human Conditions I3
OTD7170Occupational Performance and Participation in Groups3
OTD7190Research I3
OTD7260Human Conditions II3
OTD8140Healthcare Systems and Policy3
OTD8215Introduction to Capstone I2
OTD8220Research II3
OTD8235Occupational Therapy Practice I5
OTD8280Level IA Fieldwork1
OTD8310Leadership and Advocacy3
OTD8320Research III3
OTD8330Theoretical and Clinical Reasoning in Context3
OTD8345Occupational Therapy Practice II5
OTD8380Level IB Fieldwork1
OTD8395Program Development and Grant Writing2
OTD8420Technology and Innovation in Occupational Therapy2
OTD8455Occupational Therapy Practice III5
OTD8480Level IC Fieldwork1
OTD8520Introduction to Capstone II3
OTD8540Contemporary Concepts in Occupational Therapy2
OTD8560Teaching and Learning in Occupational Therapy2
OTD8660Occupational Therapy Practice IV5
OTD8720Level ID Fieldwork1
OTD9810Level IIA Fieldwork9
OTD9860Level IIB Fieldwork9
OTD9910Doctoral Capstone Project3
OTD9920Doctoral Capstone Experience10
Total Credits115.0

The Johnson & Wales University Entry-Level Occupational Therapy Doctorate (OTD) Program is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education (ACOTE) of the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA), located at 6116 Executive Boulevard, Suite 200, North Bethesda, MD 20852-4929; phone: 301-652-AOTA; additional information regarding ACOTE can be found on the ACOTE website

Graduates of the program will be eligible to sit for the national certification examination for the occupational therapist administered by the National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy (NBCOT). After successful completion of this exam, the individual will be an Occupational Therapist, Registered (OTR). In addition, all states require licensure in order to practice; however, state licenses are usually based on the results of the NBCOT Certification Examination. Note that a felony conviction may affect a graduate’s ability to sit for the NBCOT certification examination or attain state licensure.

Note: Students must pass MATH0010 Pre-Algebra or have equivalent placement scores to enroll in required math courses.

Note: Students must pass ENG0001 Writing Workshop or have equivalent placement scores to enroll in ILS 2000-level courses.

The Johnson & Wales University entry-level occupational therapy doctoral (OTD) degree program is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education (ACOTE) of the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA), located at 7501 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 510E, Bethesda, MD  20814. ACOTE’s telephone number c/o AOTA is (301) 652-AOTA and its web address is

Graduates of the program will be eligible to sit for the national certification examination for the occupational therapist administered by the National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy (NBCOT).

After successful completion of this exam, the individual will be an Occupational Therapist, Registered (OTR). In addition, all states require licensure in order to practice; however, state licenses are usually based on the results of the NBCOT Certification Examination. Note that a felony conviction may affect a graduate’s ability to sit for the NBCOT certification examination or attain state licensure.

Please see a campus catalog for Admissions Requirements for this program.