MBA - Hospitality Concentration

Johnson & Wales University is among the largest educators of hospitality professionals in North America. Economists recognize the global hospitality industry as the largest industry in the world and one of the fastest growing fields for future employment. Through the Master of Business Administration degree program with concentration in Hospitality, students acquire the skills and experiences needed to provide exemplary leadership for hospitality-related organizations throughout the world, including Marriott and Compass Group.

Upon completion of the program, graduates are expected to:

  • Gather, interpret and analyze research to inform decision-making at operational and strategic levels of an organization.
  • Use advanced communication skills and awareness of cultural differences in global and domestic business interactions.
  • Analyze problems from a diverse perspective, propose effective solutions and evaluate the impact of executive decisions.
  • Assess and evaluate business entities taking into account cross-functional environments as they affect ethical decision-making in domestic and global organizations.
  • Examine and analyze social, multicultural and environmental issues and their impacts upon managerial practices in the global hospitality industry.

Graduates learn executive business competencies, professional leadership, and strategic and creative thinking skills that help them ethically solve problems occurring in the global business environment in culturally sensitive ways.

Graduates in the MBA with a concentration in Hospitality may seek higher-level positions within global organizations that require MBA core curricular skills, as well as strategic planning and management expertise. In the highly competitive hospitality and tourism industry, professionals within the industry are needed to conduct high-level research, develop effective strategies, enhance revenues from strategic channels, and evaluate marketing outcomes. The MBA with a concentration in Hospitality provides the advanced training and knowledge needed to secure employment positions in these growing areas.

Foundation courses should be completed prior to registering for core and concentration courses.

Master of Business Administration - Hospitality Concentration

Master of Business Administration 

Foundation Courses
BUS5000Business Fundamentals3
BUS5010Quantitative Methods in Business3
Core Courses
ACCT5600Accounting for Strategic Decision-Making3
BUS5600Business Analytics3
FISV5600Financial Management3
MGMT5575Operations Management3
MGMT5800Effective Leadership3
MRKT5500Strategic Marketing3
RSCH5800Evidence-Based Research in Management3
Hospitality Courses *
HOSP6509Hospitality and Tourism Global Issues3
Choose three of the following:9
Strategic Marketing in Service Dominant Logic
Franchising and Licensing
Benchmarking and Operations Analysis in the Hospitality Industry
Corporate Social Responsibility
Experience, Adventure and Education Tourism
Organizational Behavior in the Hospitality Industry
Competitive Strategies in Hospitality
Information Technology in Hospitality and Tourism
Event Leadership and Planning
Event Operations & Risk Management
Career Capstone Course
MGMT6800Business Policy and Strategy3
Total Credits36.0-42.0

Note for Providence Campus students: MBA concentration courses may only be available online. Students should consult with their academic advisor regarding course availability and for planning.

Johnson & Wales University holistically reviews all elements of a student’s application to identify those students most likely to succeed at the university.

Prior to being considered for admission into an online JWU graduate program, the following must be submitted:

  1. A completed application for admission
  2. Official or certified transcripts from all institutions attended, including bachelor's and master's degree conferral (if applicable). When a graduate program application is submitted prior to completing requirements for the bachelor's degree, Admissions will consider the application and, if admissible, will offer an acceptance pending submission of final transcript verifying bachelor's degree conferral. Without such verification, students will not be allowed to register for the current semester or continue enrollment, and will be in jeopardy of losing their academic status with the university.
  3. Statement of Purpose: An essay explaining your motivation, aptitude and goals related to graduate-level academic study
  4. Two letters of recommendation from individuals qualified to attest to the applicant's potential for success at the graduate level of study. A Personal Reference Form may be substituted for the letters of recommendation.
  5. A current résumé or CV (required for applicants for conditional acceptance; optional for other applicants)

The letters of recommendation and Statement of Purpose may be emailed.

Conditional Acceptance

Conditional acceptance to certain graduate business programs may be extended to students who have a 2.41–2.84 cumulative undergraduate grade point average, and demonstrate significant evidence of professional success. Students granted conditional acceptance may take a maximum of three JWU graduate courses in their first semester (students may not enroll in two 8-week courses at the same time). If an overall GPA of 3.0 is earned in the first conditional semester, the student will be granted full admission to that program. Students who do not earn an overall GPA of 3.0 will be dismissed from the program and will not be accepted to any JWU graduate program.