MBA - Data Analytics Concentration

The Master of Business Administration degree program with a concentration in Data Analytics is a STEM-designated program designed to assist business professionals in advancing their careers by providing a solid foundation of graduate-level business courses to apply insights from data in business decisions. A major challenge in today’s business environment is how professionally competent practitioners make the transition to managing people and business operations without losing their professional knowledge and expertise.

Upon completion of the program, graduates are expected to:

  • Gather, interpret and analyze research to inform decision-making at operational and strategic levels of an organization.

  • Use advanced communication skills and awareness of cultural differences in global and domestic business interactions.

  • Analyze problems from a diverse perspective, propose effective solutions and evaluate the impact of executive decisions.

  • Assess and evaluate business entities taking into account cross-functional environments as they affect ethical decision making in domestic and global organizations.

  • Integrate the knowledge of mathematics, statistics, and computer science to collect, analyze and interpret data.

Graduates learn executive business competencies, professional leadership, and strategic and creative thinking skills that help them ethically solve problems that occur in the global business environment in culturally sensitive ways.

This program allows data analysis professionals to develop both their professional skills (concentration courses) and management skills while learning to think strategically in a complex, cost-competitive, knowledge-based environment.

This MBA concentration allows successful graduates to excel at both leading and doing. In this challenging employment environment, data analysis professionals must not only be competent in their fields, but be known as “can-do” leaders. This combination gives our graduates that clear edge to succeed.

Master of Business Administration - Data Analytics Concentration           

Master of Business Administration 

Foundation Courses
BUS5000Business Fundamentals3
BUS5010Quantitative Methods in Business3
Core Courses
ACCT5600Accounting for Strategic Decision-Making3
BUS5600Business Analytics3
FISV5600Financial Management3
MGMT5575Operations Management3
MGMT5800Effective Leadership3
MRKT5500Strategic Marketing3
RSCH5800Evidence-Based Research in Management3
Data Analytics Courses *
DATA5025Tools for Data Analytics3
DATA5100Statistical Analysis3
DATA5200Data Visualization3
Choose one of the following:3
Big Data Analytics
Introduction to Predictive Modeling
Research Methods in Data Analytics
Career Capstone Course
MGMT6800Business Policy and Strategy3
Total Credits36.0-42.0

Note for Providence Campus students: MBA concentration courses may only be available online. Students should consult with their academic advisor regarding course availability and for planning.

Please see a campus catalog for Admissions Requirements for this program.