Finance - M.S.

The Finance Master of Science degree program prepares students for career advancement in a variety of managerial and professional positions in a wide range of firms. As a result of the changes in the field of finance and the increasing complexity in the market, the modern analyst needs much more extensive training in finance than at any time in the recent past. This program provides students with the knowledge they need to apply complex financial technology for value creation in an ethical manner. Coursework offered by this program may be applied to industry specific certifications.

Upon completion of the program, graduates are expected to:

  • Apply knowledge of financial theories and practices to solve organizational and consumer economic challenges.
  • Apply appropriate quantitative and qualitative methods to solve financial problems.
  • Demonstrate effective oral and written communication skills as a foundation for lifelong learning.
  • Critique and interpret financial data to assess and improve entity performance within a moral and ethical framework.


Master of Science 

Foundation Courses
BUS5000Business Fundamentals3
BUS5010Quantitative Methods in Business3
Core Courses
FISV5410Personal Financial Planning3
FISV5600Financial Management3
FISV5720Financial Reporting and Control3
FISV6050Strategic Financial Planning3
FISV6056Fundamentals of Investment and Portfolio Management3
MATH5100Statistical Methods3
Elective Courses
Choose four of the following:12
Individual Taxation
Estate Planning
Principles of Risk and Insurance
Retirement Planning
Applied Behavioral Finance
Institutional Portfolio Management
Total Credits30.0-36.0

Please see a campus catalog for Admissions Requirements for this program.