Finance - B.S.
The Finance bachelor's degree program prepares students for the wide range of career opportunities available to finance professionals. Students in the program receive a solid foundation in financial statement interpretation and decision making, as well as in the areas of business, communications and general studies.
Upon completion of the program, graduates are expected to:
- Apply the major concepts, skills and values of the finance profession.
- Communicate effectively to diverse audiences, purposes and situations through a variety of professional methods required in the field of finance.
- Use decision-support tools to solve problems and facilitate organizational processes.
- Identify and analyze ethical issues related to financial decisions and recommend ethical responses and solutions.
- Utilizing critical thinking and decision-making skills, apply common finance theories and concepts to changing global financial issues.
The finance curriculum is designed to meet the needs of some of the most prestigious industry certifications. As finance majors, students gain exposure to a broad range of financial practices with studies focusing on areas leading to positions in investment analysis, corporate finance, risk management and financial planning.
Students who maintain at least a 2.00 grade point average can apply for on-campus and off-campus finance internships to gain experiential education by completing a work experience in their area of interest. These students typically gain experience in such areas as banking, financial planning, financial analysis, and portfolio management. Additional options are also available for foreign travel through the study abroad program.
A four-year program leading to the bachelor of science degree
Credits Business Foundations | ||
ACCT1210 | Financial Accounting | 3 |
ACCT1220 | Managerial Accounting | 3 |
BUS1001 | Introduction to Business and Management | 3 |
BUS3010 | Business Analytics | 3 |
BUS4030 | Global Strategy Capstone | 3 |
FISV2000 | Finance | 3 |
FIT1040 | Spreadsheet Design for Business Solutions | 3 |
LAW2001 | The Legal Environment of Business I | 3 |
MGMT2001 | Human Resource Management | 3 |
MGMT2030 | Operations and Supply Chain Management I | 3 |
MRKT1001 | Marketing Foundations | 3 |
Major Courses | ||
ACCT2210 | Intermediate Accounting Theory and Practice I | 3 |
FISV2140 | Financial Markets and Institutions | 3 |
FISV3001 | Investments | 3 |
FISV3005 | International Finance | 3 |
FISV3199 | Experiential Education Projects in Financial Modeling and Valuation | 3 |
FISV4025 | Corporate Finance | 3 |
FISV4080 | Finance Seminar | 3 |
Major Electives | ||
One ACCT or FISV-designated course at the 2000 level or higher | 3 | |
Applied/Experiential Learning | ||
Choose 6 credits from the following: | 6 | |
College of Business Internship Ic | ||
Directed Experiential Education D | ||
Study Abroad Sa | ||
University Core Curriculum | ||
Communicating | 9 | |
Rhetoric & Composition I | ||
Rhetoric & Composition II | ||
Communication Skills | ||
Connecting | 6 | |
Two courses with the Connecting attribute (ECNG), one at the 2000 level, one at the 4000 level | ||
Experiencing | 6 | |
Ethics: A Global Perspective | ||
Additional course with the Experiencing attribute (EEXP) in a different discipline | ||
Measuring | 6 | |
Quantitative Analysis I (or higher, based on student's placement) * | ||
Statistics I | ||
Exploring | 3 | |
One course with the Exploring attribute (EEPL) | ||
Interacting | 6 | |
Microeconomics | ||
Additional course with the Interacting attribute (EINT) in a different discipline | ||
A&S Electives | 6 | |
Macroeconomics | ||
One course with the Arts & Sciences elective attribute (EASC) | ||
Free Electives # | ||
15 credits selected from 1000-4999 numbered offerings within the university | 15 | |
Total Credits | 120.0 |
- *
Students that do not place in MATH1035 Quantitative Analysis I, will need to take an extra course, MATH1020 Fundamentals of Algebra, as a prerequisite. If needed this will count as an A&S elective.
IcTypically, internships require a minimum of six credits. Students interested in a 9 or 12-credit internship can apply additional experiential learning and free elective credits, if available. Students are strongly encouraged to contact a faculty advisor before scheduling internship and free elective credits.
D Directed Experiential Education (DEE) opportunities are based on project availability with community partners and student eligibility. For more information, visit Experiential Education & Career Services (EE&CS).
SaTo be eligible to count toward Applied/Experiential Learning, a Study Abroad offering must meet certain requirements. Contact JWU Global to discuss eligible Study Abroad options for this degree program.
# In addition to classes, free elective credits may be applied to a number of options such as internship, study abroad, Directed Experiential Education courses and courses in a specialization or minor as relevant. For students who qualify for the J2 program, up to four graduate courses may apply. Students are strongly encouraged to contact a faculty advisor before scheduling free elective credits.
Note: Students must pass MATH0010 Pre-Algebra or have equivalent placement scores to enroll in required math courses.
Note: Students must pass ENG0001 Writing Workshop or have equivalent placement scores to enroll in ILS 2000-level courses.
In collaboration with academic colleges Study Abroad offer several options, direct enroll with international universities, domestic and digital options meet with a Study Abroad Advisor to learn more about how your major, minor, free electives, experiential learning and transferable courses would benefit by a Study Abroad program. There are many options for students during a semester, spring and/or summer breaks. Faculty-led, exchange, and direct-enroll programs range in duration from one week to a full semester or full year. Financial aid may be applied, and some partners offer external scholarships. Visit the study abroad website for information, program descriptions and online applications. Where will you go? Wherever you decide, make the best of your educational journey!
J2 Program
The JWU J2 program allows qualified students enrolled in a matriculating undergraduate program to take graduate level courses at JWU. Students interested in pursuing this option should meet with their academic advisor to discuss their interest, qualifications and plans. The undergraduate student may take up to four graduate courses (maximum 12 credits) and are limited to 6 credits a semester and 3 credits per session (Fall Session I and Fall Session II).
The completion of graduate credits to fulfill undergraduate program requirements does not guarantee acceptance into the graduate program after completion of the baccalaureate degree. Matriculating undergraduate students who wish to formally enroll in a graduate program must fulfill all requirements for entrance into the intended graduate program and complete a graduate program application.
Note: Not all graduate courses are included as part of this policy. Courses offered as part of the Master of Arts in Teaching, Master of Education, Master of Science in Physician Assistant Studies and doctoral courses are excluded from this policy and are restricted to program majors only. Additional courses and/or programs as determined by individual colleges may also have restricted access.
Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible to enroll in graduate level courses (excludes: Masters of Arts in Teaching, Masters of Education, Masters of Science in Physician Assistant Studies, doctoral courses and other programs as outlined by the colleges).
Undergraduate students must meet the following criteria:
- Undergraduate cumulative GPA of 3.00 or higher
- Completed and registered undergraduate credits at least 90 credits
- Meet the individual course prerequisites
Appeal to Eligibility Criteria: College dean or designee will receive a copy of the Petition Form, Student's GPS and email requesting appeal if the student requests to appeal the GPA or earned/registered credit criteria. College dean/designee will review and determine approval.
These courses carry graduate credit and will replace undergraduate degree requirements when applicable, traditionally free-electives (maximum of 12 credits). The course will be applied to the undergraduate degree in the order in which they are taken (if required) and will also be applied towards both the students undergraduate and graduate GPA.
Students should maintain enrollment in at least 12 credits of undergraduate coursework to maintain full-time status; graduate course enrollment is not calculated into undergraduate full-time status. For students already attending full-time as undergraduates (12 credits or more) and paying the full-time tuition, the graduate credits will be included in full-time tuition fee. Students attending part-time (11 credits or less) will pay the cost per-credit undergraduate tuition for the graduate course.
Course registration will be based on space availability and students enrolled in graduate level courses will be required to maintain good academic standing at the undergraduate and graduate level.