DBA - Organization Development Concentration

Johnson & Wales University’s Doctor of Business Administration program provides senior business practitioners and high-potential individuals with both the practical and research skills needed to become executive-level organizational leaders and industry innovators. Students ethically address complex and practical business challenges and learn how to transform business practices to create organizational optimization, growth and sustainability.

Individuals working in any industry, in for-profit or nonprofit settings, advance their communication, analytical and critical-thinking skills through the study of business theory, core business functions, applied research, and contemporary strategic and operational business challenges. Graduates are prepared to add value to their organization through strategy, processes, people and metrics.

Upon completion of the program, graduates are expected to:

  • Design, conduct and present applied research that addresses practical business problems.
  • Employ advanced communication skills to share complex information, organizational vision and actionable guidelines within business environments.
  • Apply contemporary business leadership theories, knowledge of core business functions and evidenced-based practice to address issues faced by senior leadership.

Upon completion of the Organization Development concentration, graduates are expected to:

  • Apply organization development theory to improve organizational capacity for strategic change through systematic interventions.

For those seeking faculty positions in higher education, the Doctor of Business Administration is a terminal degree.  

There is an orientation prior to the start of the program, which provides an overview of JWU and sets expectations for doctoral students enrolled in the DBA program. Students become acquainted with university resources, technologies and policies, the dissertation research process and scholarly writing, and have the opportunity to meet fellow cohort members. 

Doctor of Business Administration- Organization Development Concentration

Doctor of Business Administration 

Core Courses
FISV7005Contemporary Issues in Finance and Accounting3
MGMT7000Organizational Strategy and Design3
MGMT7010Organizational Behavior3
MGMT7030Innovation and Change3
MGMT7050Contemporary Leadership Issues3
MGMT7070Business Analytics and Intelligence3
MGMT7090Executive Decision-Making3
MRKT7100Problems and Methods in Marketing Management3
RSCH7110Research Design3
RSCH7130Quantitative Research Methods3
RSCH7150Qualitative Research Methods3
Concentration Courses
MGMT7120Advanced Strategies in Organization Development3
MGMT8120Organizational Interventions — Disruption and Change3
MGMT9120Leading and Managing Large-Scale Transformation3
Dissertation Courses
RSCH9008Dissertation Research and Writing9
RSCH9010Dissertation Completion3
Total Credits54.0

All program requirements must be completed within five years. Students who do not complete the dissertation in the prescribed time are automatically scheduled for RSCH9011 DBA Dissertation Advisement. This continuation requires a Dissertation Advisement Fee (charged every eight weeks during each fall, spring and summer semester) until successful defense of the dissertation or end of time allotted. 

Please see a campus catalog for Admissions Requirements for this program.