Business Explorations

Because some students understand their passion, but not how to channel it into a degree program, the Business Explorations option allows them to explore business courses and gain exposure to all aspects of business within their first year before choosing a major from a number of business programs. Students who begin their studies in the Business Explorations program may be eligible to earn a bachelor of science degree at the end of four years of study.

Business Explorations

All students enrolled in the Business Explorations program pursue the following program of study for the first year. Students must declare a major no later than the second semester of study.

Major Courses
ACCT1210Financial Accounting3
or MGMT2030 Operations and Supply Chain Management I
BUS1001Introduction to Business and Management3
FIT1040Spreadsheet Design for Business Solutions3
MGMT2001Human Resource Management3
MRKT1001Marketing Foundations3
University Core Curriculum
Rhetoric & Composition I
Rhetoric & Composition II
Communication Skills
Fundamentals of Algebra (or higher, based on student's placement)
One course with the Exploring attribute (EEPL)
Total Credits30.0

Note: Students must pass MATH0010 Pre-Algebra or have equivalent placement scores to enroll in required math courses.

Please see a campus catalog for Admissions Requirements for this program.