
The Master of Public Administration (MPA) degree program is for students with professional goals related to the management of public service organizations. Areas include government agencies, health organizations, justice administration/law enforcement and nonprofit organizations. The MPA program takes a multifaceted approach to management that includes leadership, personnel management, policy/program evaluation, diversity and ethical governance. This approach links theory, policy and practice, giving students the opportunity to learn and utilize skills required for leadership positions in both the public and third sectors.  

Upon completion of the program, graduates are expected to:

  • Critically analyze and use knowledge of academic theory, legal issues and/or regulations to inform ethical practice and policy formation within public and third sector organizations/agencies.
  • Manage and apply effective standards of public and third sector governance within organizational structures.
  • Assess and effectively manage sector-specific functions, programs and resources.
  • Advance professional communication, public outreach and responsiveness standards in a manner that promotes accountability, inclusion and other public service values.

Master of Public Administration 

Master of Public Administration 

Core Courses
MGMT5800Effective Leadership3
NPM5030Financial Management and Budgeting in Nonprofit Organizations3
NPM5040Program Evaluation3
NPM5050Resource Development for Nonprofits3
NPM6800Strategic Planning and Leadership in Nonprofit Organizations3
PAD5200Public Administration and Governance3
PAD6200Public Personnel Administration3
PAD6400Public Policy Analysis3
RSCH5700Research and Inquiry3
Elective Courses
Choose 9 credits from CJS, NPM, MGMT or PAD designated courses 5000-level or higher9
Total Credits36.0

Please see a campus catalog for Admissions Requirements for this program.