Master of Arts in Teaching - M.A.T.

The Master of Arts in Teaching (M.A.T.) degree program prepares graduates to apply for certification in the areas of elementary education/elementary special education, business education/secondary special education, or culinary arts education. All programs offer a student teaching experience(s) in K–12 schools to complete the M.A.T. program; the culinary arts education concentration also offers the choice of completion of a capstone project that includes teaching at the college level.

Students attend two or three classes most terms, for two or three nights a week depending upon the area of concentration.

Upon completion of the program, graduates are expected to:

  • Communicate effectively through a variety of formats such as technology, discussion, writing and reflective listening.
  • Respond to students’ developmental and social contexts and provide access to high quality teaching and learning.
  • Demonstrate a deep understanding of content in designing learning opportunities.
  • Use research, assessment and contextual data to inform practice.
  • Work within a professional learning community to support the improvement of teaching, learning, student achievement and pursue professional growth.
  • Prepare and deliver lesson plans and curricular units using best practices and research based instructional strategies.

In keeping with Johnson & Wales’ core value of experience-based learning, the M.A.T. program requires field-based experiences throughout the program to enhance student learning. Candidates apply research-based theories and best practices learned in university courses when they spend time in K–12 or university culinary classrooms each week. Teacher candidates observe, tutor and plan lessons for small-group and whole-class instruction and reflect on their practice in light of 4 domains of professional teaching: 1) planning and preparation, 2) learning environment, 3) learning experiences and 4) principled teaching. This professionally focused experience, under the guidance of experienced teachers, enables candidates to develop their skills and knowledge so that they are ready to teach as soon as they secure their first teaching position.

Assessment Prior to Student Teaching

Student teaching usually occurs during the candidate’s final term(s). Permission to student teach is granted to candidates who have

  • achieved a program GPA of 3.0 or better;
  • passed the appropriate content exam for the concentration areas;
  • provided evidence of significant progress toward meeting the Rhode Island Professional Teacher Standards (RIPTS) and all other designated standards related to their concentration; and
  • passed a video assessment of readiness for student teaching and an assessment of technology use to support teaching and learning.

Assessment Prior to Recommendation for Program Completion

Teacher candidates must satisfactorily pass several transition points throughout the program. Having completed student teaching and all transition points, teacher candidates present their final portfolio and assessment data to a team of evaluators. In addition, candidates for licensure must have passed all tests required by RIDE for licensure in the areas sought. Following the candidate’s presentation, the director of the Teacher Education Program shall make the appropriate recommendation regarding the awarding of the M.A.T. degree and state licensure.*

*It is important to note that, while Johnson & Wales awards the M.A.T. degree, it is the Rhode Island Department of Education that makes the final decision regarding the granting of licensure.

Teacher Education - Elementary/Elementary Special Education, Business/Secondary Special Education and Culinary Arts Education Concentrations

Master of Arts in Teaching 

Core Courses
EDUC5130Foundations for Teaching and Learning3
SPED5110Inclusive Teaching of Exceptional Learners3
Choose one of the following concentrations:30-42
Elementary /Elementary Special Education Concentration
Best Practices in Literacy Instruction
Strategies for Teaching Mathematics
Strategies for Teaching Science
Assessment for Student Learning
Disciplinary Literacy in the Social Studies Classroom
Student Teaching Part 1: Elementary Education
Student Teaching Part 2: Elementary Education
Assessment and Evaluation of Exceptional Learners
Curriculum and Methods for Exceptional Learners
Partnerships: Home, School, Community
Understanding and Managing Behavior in a Diverse Classroom
Specialized Instruction
Student Teaching Part 1: Elementary Special Education
Student Teaching Part 2: Elementary Special Education
Business/Secondary Special Education Concentration
Best Practices in Literacy Instruction
Teaching Financial Literacy
Strategies for Teaching Business
Assessment for Student Learning
Coding, Apps, and Digital Collaborative Tools
Student Teaching Part 1: Business Education
Student Teaching Part 2: Business Education
Assessment and Evaluation of Exceptional Learners
Curriculum and Methods for Exceptional Learners
Partnerships: Home, School, Community
Understanding and Managing Behavior in a Diverse Classroom
Specialized Instruction
Student Teaching Part 1: Secondary Special Education
Student Teaching Part 2: Secondary Special Education
Culinary Arts Education Concentration
Disciplinary Literacy in the Secondary Classroom
Curriculum Development for Culinary Arts Programs
Methods of Teaching Culinary Arts
Advanced Methods of Teaching Culinary Arts
Using Feedback to Support Learning in Culinary Education
Classroom Management in the Culinary Arts
Sustaining a Culinary Arts Program
Choose one of the following:
Student Teaching Part 1: Culinary/Baking Education
and Student Teaching Part 2: Culinary/Baking Education
Capstone Part 1: Culinary/Baking
and Capstone Part 2: Culinary/Baking
Total Credits36.0-48.0

The requirements below are applicable to all of the Master of Arts in Teaching (M.A.T.) concentrations: Business Education/Secondary Education, Culinary Arts Education and Elementary Education/Elementary Special Education.

Program Prerequisites

  1. A bachelor’s degree from an accredited undergraduate college or university with a 2.75 GPA.
  2. Evidence of content knowledge in specific teaching field.
  3. A cleared criminal background check.

To be considered for admission into the M.A.T. graduate degree program, the following documents must be submitted:

  1. A completed graduate application for admission.
  2. Official transcripts from all institutions attended, including bachelor's degree conferral (if complete) and any transfer credits. Official transcripts must be sent directly from the school of origin to JWU (8 Abbott Park Place, Providence, RI 02903, or 
    • When a graduate program application is submitted prior to completing requirements for the bachelor's degree, Graduate Admissions will consider the application and, if admissible, will offer an acceptance pending submission of final transcript verifying bachelor degree conferral. Without such verification, students may not be allowed to register for the current semester or continue enrollment, and will be in jeopardy of losing their academic status with the university.
  3. Statement of Purpose: an essay explaining your motivation, aptitude and goals related to graduate-level study, including why you want to become a teacher and how your experience thus far has informed your understanding of teacher education. 
  4. Two letters of recommendation from individuals qualified to attest to the applicant’s potential for success at the graduate level of study.
  5. Two Completed M.A.T. Disposition Reference Forms: These forms will be available once the applicant has created their online application. This form should be completed by individuals not already used as references.
  6. Current résumé.

A transcript analysis will be completed to determine if any additional coursework is needed prior to program start. Letters of recommendation, résumé, Statement of Purpose and other required documents should be uploaded through the applicant portal. An interview is required as part of the application process.