Career-Focused Bachelor of Science in Graphic Design - C.F.B.S.

The Career-Focused Bachelor of Science degree program in Graphic Design offers a condensed and focused path for students eager to enter the creative industry quickly, without sacrificing the depth and quality of their education. The streamlined design of the program allows students to earn a complete, comprehensive degree in a shorter period than a traditional bachelor's degree program requires. Visual design foundation courses blend with real-world, project-based learning to prepare students for dynamic careers in graphic design.

The program focuses heavily on experiential learning, with fewer elective courses but in-depth project-based courses. This experiential learning is highlighted with real-world experience in the Design Team course. In Design Team, advanced-level students apply their knowledge to real-world problems through experiential education. Working from the John J. Bowen Center for Science and Innovation, students provide design solutions for community partners. Students hone their design skills by creating, editing and presenting visual collateral that includes branding/logo design; print peripherals, including pamphlets, posters, organizational identity kits, and infographics; video; motion graphics; and websites. Students work in project teams supervised by faculty.

Additionally, students complete the Portfolio Capstone course, which guides them through the assembly of a comprehensive digital and physical portfolio that demonstrates their increasingly sophisticated mastery of design. With faculty guidance, students gather, revise and organize their best work as well as enhance their portfolios with additional advanced design projects. In the final week of the course, students present and defend their work to a select group of faculty and visiting industry professionals. Students also show their work in the annual Design Student Reveal Exhibit.

The Work Integrated Learning requirement ensures that students graduate with essential skills and confidence that prepare them for leadership roles in the workforce. Other opportunities such as study abroad, national competitions and school exhibitions are also available to qualified students and complement the college experience.

Students in this degree program prepare for a wide range of career opportunities in the creative industries where graphic design and UI/UX (web) design intersect. Sample job titles in this rapidly changing professional market include graphic designer, digital designer, visual designer, UI/UX (user interface) designer, web designer, creative/art director, digital designer, interactive designer, multimedia designer and more.

Upon completion of the program, graduates are expected to:

  • Demonstrate knowledge of the common elements, vocabulary, visual culture, and history of design, and the interaction of these elements in a modern context.
  • Apply professional processes to analyze a problem, conduct research, propose solutions, write specifications and execute delivery of a product.
  • Communicate, create and develop successful solutions to visual concepts reflecting the principles of visualization and design, typography, imagery, user experience and aesthetics.
  • Use traditional tools, technology, materials and production methods of the discipline to create effective solutions to design problems.
  • Design solutions that respond to the physical, cognitive, cultural, social and/or ethical elements of the audience.                                                                                                                                           

Graphic Design - Career-Focused B.S.

A three-year program leading to the Career-focused bachelor of science degree

Major Courses
GDES1010Design Thinking & Creative Process3
GDES1020Design Theory and Practice3
GDES1040Foundations of Web Design3
GDES1060User Experience and Content Design I3
GDES1080Vector Drawing & Image Editing3
GDES2020Motion Graphics I3
GDES2030Editorial & Publication Design3
GDES2050Content Management Systems3
GDES3015Design Team I4
GDES3250Brand Identity Design and Development3
GDES4050Design Capstone3
Major Electives
Choose three of the following:9
Advanced Publication & Print
Coding for Web Design
User Experience and Content Design II
Package Design
Wayfinding & Environmental Graphics
Web Design & User Experience Studio
Applied/Experiential Learning
Students in this program are required to complete 600 hours of Work Integrated Learning.
Related Professional Studies
DMSM1001Introduction to Digital/Social/Mobile Media3
IDES2070Innovation and Design I3
University Core Curriculum
Rhetoric & Composition I
Rhetoric & Composition II
Communication Skills
Two courses with the Connecting attribute (ECNG), one at the 2000 level, one at the 4000 level
Art History
Additional course with the Experiencing attribute (EEXP) in a different discipline
A Survey of College Mathematics (or higher, based on student's placement)
Statistics I
One course with the Exploring attribute (EEPL)
Sociology I
Honors Seminar: Social Inequalities
Additional course with the Interacting attribute (EINT) in a different discipline
A&S Electives6
Foundations of Digital Photography
One course with the Arts & Sciences elective attribute (EASC)
Total Credits94.0


Johnson & Wales University holistically reviews all elements of a student’s application to identify those students most likely to succeed at the university.

For first-year applicants, a completed application and high school transcript(s) are required. For transfer applicants, a completed application and high school and/or college transcript(s) are required. Completion of optional materials is encouraged.

Successful candidates for first year admission have taken a high school, college preparatory academic program including English, mathematics, science, social science and foreign language. Admissions decisions may also consider individual experiences and particular circumstances unique to each student. Other considerations are made based upon recommendations, writing ability and extracurricular activities.

Visiting campus, both in‐person or virtually, and interacting with admissions staff are all valuable ways of assuring that JWU is the right university for you.