Career-Focused Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice - C.F.B.S.

The Career-Focused Bachelor of Science degree program in Criminal Justice prepares students for professional careers in the field of criminal justice. The streamlined design of the program allows students to earn a complete, comprehensive degree in a shorter period than a traditional bachelor's degree program requires.

The program’s judicious mix of criminal justice and arts and sciences courses is intended to develop and enhance each student’s critical thinking and effective communication skills, as well as their appreciation for diversity, citizenship, leadership and public service. Through this course of study, students are expected to acquire the communication, logic, critical thinking and ethical reasoning skills essential for both the understanding of complex global and domestic criminal justice issues and for effective career performance and progression. 

The Work Integrated Learning requirement ensures that students graduate with essential skills and confidence that prepare them for leadership roles in the workforce.

Graduates of the program are prepared for a wide variety of criminal justice employment at the local, state, and federal levels including careers in court administration, private investigation, airport security and social services, or as a federal agent, police officer or border patrol agent, among many others.

Upon completion of the program, graduates are expected to:

  • Apply the historical contexts and knowledge of the American criminal justice system to current issues within the field.
  • Critically evaluate evidence using investigative theories and practices.
  • Research and analyze criminal justice issues to generate appropriate recommendations and/or actions.
  • Assess and resolve conflict situations using policies and procedures employed by criminal justice professionals.
  • Apply ethical strategies to address criminal justice agency/operations within diverse communities and/or global contexts.

Criminal Justice - Career-Focused B.S.

A three-year program leading to the Career-focused bachelor of science degree

Major Courses
CJS1002Introduction to Criminal Justice3
CJS1090Law Enforcement3
CJS3075Criminal Investigation3
CJS3850Homeland Security3
CJS4045Criminalistics with Lab3
CJS4080Criminal Justice Senior Seminar3
LAW3015Criminal Procedure3
LAW3025Criminal Law3
Major Electives
Choose two from the following: *6
Criminal Courts
Juvenile Justice
Criminal Justice Ethics
Community Policing
Comparative Criminal Justice
Cyber Crimes
Offender Assessment and Case Management
Advanced Topics in Criminal Justice
Advanced Topics in Criminalistics with Lab
Serial Killers
Community Justice
Restorative Justice
Race, Crime and Justice
Cultural Awareness and Diversity in Criminal Justice
Change and Innovation in Law Enforcement
International Relations and World Politics
Race, Politics and Power in America
Applied/Experiential Learning
Students in this program are required to complete 600 hours of Work Integrated Learning.
Related Professional Studies
PSYC1001Introductory Psychology3
PSYC2002Abnormal Psychology3
RSCH2050Workshop in Acquiring Social Research Skills3
SOC3060Deviant Behavior3
University Core Experience
Rhetoric & Composition I
Rhetoric & Composition II
Communication Skills
Two courses with the Connecting attribute (ECNG), one at the 2000 level, one at the 4000 level
American Government
Additional course with the Experiencing attribute (EEXP) in a different discipline
A Survey of College Mathematics (or higher, based on student's placement)
Statistics I
Choose one from the following:
Introduction to Life Science
Introduction to Exercise Physiology
Anatomy and Physiology
Sociology I
Honors Seminar: Social Inequalities
Additional course with the Interacting attribute (EINT) in a different discipline
A&S Electives6
Two courses with the Arts & Sciences elective attribute (EASC)
Total Credits90.0

Students are responsible for meeting prerequisites


Note: Students must pass MATH0010 Pre-Algebra or have equivalent placement scores to enroll in required math courses.

Note: Students must pass ENG0001 Writing Workshop or have equivalent placement scores to enroll in ILS 2000-level courses.

In collaboration with academic colleges Study Abroad offer several options, direct enroll with international universities, domestic and digital options meet with a Study Abroad Advisor to learn more about how your major, minor, free electives, experiential learning and transferable courses would benefit by a Study Abroad program. There are many options for students during a semester, spring and/or summer breaks. Faculty-led, exchange, and direct-enroll programs range in duration from one week to a full semester or full year. Financial aid may be applied, and some partners offer external scholarships. Visit the study abroad website for information, program descriptions and online applications. Where will you go? Wherever you decide, make the best of your educational journey!


Johnson & Wales University holistically reviews all elements of a student’s application to identify those students most likely to succeed at the university.

For first-year applicants, a completed application and high school transcript(s) are required. For transfer applicants, a completed application and high school and/or college transcript(s) are required. Completion of optional materials is encouraged.

Successful candidates for first year admission have taken a high school, college preparatory academic program including English, mathematics, science, social science and foreign language. Admissions decisions may also consider individual experiences and particular circumstances unique to each student. Other considerations are made based upon recommendations, writing ability and extracurricular activities.

Visiting campus, both in‐person or virtually, and interacting with admissions staff are all valuable ways of assuring that JWU is the right university for you.