Students at the university have a personal My Success Network of faculty mentors/advisors and academic advisors which they can view in their Success Network in uSucceed (accessed through jwuLink). Members of the Success Network work with students throughout their academic career.
The Success Network found on uSucceed is an online communication system that connects students to a network of support and the resources needed to be successful at JWU. Academic advisors, faculty, faculty mentors/advisors, financial planners and various support staff make up a student's Success Network.
The goal of using the uSucceed Success Network is to make it easy for students to communicate and connect with their network of support. Students can use the scheduling tool in their Success Network to make appointments with members of their Success Network. They are also able to track their academic progress. Faculty are able to raise flags to let students know they may need additional support and inform students how and where to find additional support. Faculty can also issue kudos to congratulate students on their successes.
For personal and clinical counseling services, students may seek the support of Counseling Services.