Travel Tourism (TRVL) Courses
TRVL1105 Adventure, Sport and Nature-Based Tourism
This course provides the student with a solid foundation of knowledge related to adventure, sport and nature-based tourism and focuses on key considerations necessary for its implementation. The course offers an opportunity for a field project.
Offered at Charlotte, Providence
3 Semester Credits
TRVL2010 Dynamics of Tourism and Sustainability
This is a management-oriented course covering the economic, cultural and social functions in the planning and development of the tourism industry. Emphasis is on organizational concepts.
Offered at Charlotte, Online, Providence
3 Semester Credits
TRVL2040 Travel Sales Management
This course emphasizes service as an integral part of the selling process. The reciprocal relationship between selling and service is presented within the context of the total travel sales effort.
Prerequisite(s): FSM1001 or HOSP1001 or SEE1001.
Offered at Providence
3 Semester Credits
TRVL2165 Food Culture and Tourism
This course introduces students to the significance of food and beverage as it relates to the tourism industry. Students build a fundamental knowledge to effectively communicate with travel/tourism/hospitality planners and food service staff. Emphasis is on linking food, wine and tourism, and the impact related to destination development internationally. This course also examines international service styles, cultural etiquette, food terminology, and basic food and wine pairings.
Offered at Online, Providence
3 Semester Credits
TRVL2801 World Geography for Tourism and Hospitality
This course is designed to provide the student with the knowledge and skills necessary to work and travel in a global environment. Students explore both current and emerging destinations from around the world. The course discusses the cultural, recreational and social significance to the traveler and the economy.
Offered at Online, Providence
3 Semester Credits
TRVL3020 Ecotourism
This upper-level course explores an emerging dimension of tourism: ecotourism. Students investigate the impact of specific environmental issues on tourism, including water pollution, air pollution, habitat destruction, etc., and focus on the impact of tourism on the physical, biological and cultural environment. The role of the tourism industry as it relates to the provision of ecotourism experiences is also discussed.
Offered at Charlotte, Providence
3 Semester Credits
TRVL3030 International Policies of Tourism
This intermediate-level course is designed to provide the student with an increased understanding in the area of international tourism development. Emphasis is placed on the definitive study of the essential components for a successful national tourism program.
Prerequisite(s): TRVL2010 or TRVL3010.
Offered at Online, Providence
3 Semester Credits
TRVL3035 Tour Management Operations
This course is designed for students planning careers in tour guiding or tour operations. Topics include tour operations, components of a tour, tour management positions, characteristics of professional tour guides, the psychology of tour management and internal communications. The culmination of this course is a tour to a selected destination, where each student researches, negotiates and develops a highly anticipated journey.
Prerequisite(s): TRVL2010, junior status.
Offered at Online, Providence
3 Semester Credits
TRVL3801 Special Topics in Adventure Resort Management
This course provides the student with a solid foundation of knowledge related to the Adventure Resort and focuses on all aspects of operation and program development. The course offers an opportunity for a field project. Students are required to participate in all off-campus activities with the designated industry partners.
Offered at Providence
3 Semester Credits
TRVL4010 Tourism Economics
This upper-level course explores the role of economics in tourism development. Macroeconomic and microeconomic theory are applied to problems of community resource allocation. Particular attention is paid to the problems of multiple use of community resources and to the conflicts between private and public goals.
Prerequisite(s): TRVL2010.
Offered at Online, Providence
3 Semester Credits
TRVL4011 Destination Management Organization
This course integrates the administrative functions of a destination management or marketing organization (DMO). The interrelationships of operations, marketing and finance are analyzed and evaluated. A Directed Experiential Education (DEE) opportunity may be an integral part of this course. DEE opportunities are based on project availability with community partners and student eligibility.
Prerequisite(s): HOSP3053 or MRKT1001.
Offered at Online, Providence
3 Semester Credits
TRVL4035 Leading an Adventure Experience
This course is designed for students planning careers in adventure, outdoor recreation, sport and ecotourism operations. It equips students with the skills and knowledge to successfully plan, manage and execute an outdoor adventure travel experience. Topics include leadership strategies, risk management, health and wellness, best practices, customer relations, and sustainable practices. Students develop and lead an adventure experience during the course that incorporates these key skills and concepts.
Prerequisite(s): TRVL3035.
Offered at Providence
3 Semester Credits
TRVL5010 Tourism Principles and Foundations
This course focuses on major concepts, principles and theories in the tourism industry. Special attention is given to the social, economic and environmental impacts of the tourism industry. The course covers a broad range of topics that relate to the industry, its stakeholders and constituents that shape the nature of the tourism industry and are affected by it.
Offered at Providence
3 Semester Credits
TRVL5030 Financial Concepts in Sustainable Tourism Development
This course focuses on major concepts, principles and theories in the financial field of sustainable tourism development. Students examine financial strategies and determine their viability to the economic development of a destination. Financial terminology and concepts are examined and applied to a real life situation.
Offered at Providence
3 Semester Credits
TRVL5050 Foundation of Consulting for the Tourism Industry
This course explores the theories of consulting as well as the roles and responsibilities of the consultants. Special attention is paid to the different strategies that may be used in the consulting process. The application of ethical strategies is evaluated and analyzed. Strategies that ensure sustainable growth are evaluated during the term. An assessment of the conditions that determine the need for internal or external consultants are evaluated as well.
Offered at Providence
3 Semester Credits
TRVL5070 Global Tourism Marketing and Branding
This course focuses on major concepts, principles and theories in the marketing of tourism products and services. Students focus on the different techniques used in the creation and maintenance of tourism brands. Students analyze marketing concepts and theories involved in the creation of annual and longer term marketing and branding plans.
Offered at Providence
3 Semester Credits
TRVL5120 Planning for Ethical and Sustainable Tourism Development
This course focuses on major concepts, principles and theories in the field of ethical economic and sustainable tourism development. This course is designed to assess the involvement of stakeholders in the development of tourism destinations. Students analyze the role of stakeholders in an effort to minimize the negative effects of tourism. Strategies to ensure economic growth and long-term sustainability of tourism development are analyzed and applied.
Offered at Providence
3 Semester Credits
TRVL5140 Product Development and Innovation in Sustainable Tourism — Shared and Experience Economics
This course focuses on major concepts, principles and theories in the successful development of tourism products. This course investigates feasibility and the potential for successful development of new tourism products. Life cycle of existing products are assessed with the goal of extending it for longer than the usual cycle. New products are evaluated for their ability and inability to sustain their appeal for the long run. Trends in tourism product development, and “shared” and the “experience" economy are examined.
Offered at Providence
3 Semester Credits
TRVL5210 Tourism Economics
This course examines the role of economics in sustainable tourism and economic development. Macroeconomics and microeconomics are used to analyze and explain economic activities and scenarios in the tourism industry. Course content includes the relationship between supply and demand, consumer behavior and government economic policies, and their impact on the tourism industry. Emphasis is placed on the role of government in facilitating tourism and economic development.
Offered at Providence
3 Semester Credits
TRVL6100 Applied Research Methods in Sustainable Tourism Development
This course focuses on major concepts, principles and theories in tourism research. Literature analysis, data collection, analysis of data and producing a report are discussed. This course prepares students to engage in case analysis and evaluate past and current scenarios in quantitative and qualitative research methods.
Offered at Providence
3 Semester Credits
TRVL6140 International Tourism Development, Economic Issues and Strategic Solutions in the Developing World
This course is designed to encompass all the principles, theories and policies that are utilized when facing developmental issues. Current conditions and challenges facing the developing world are analyzed. Formulating new strategies and analyzing existing strategies require students to become familiar with current conditions in the developing world.
Offered at Providence
3 Semester Credits
TRVL6180 International Sustainable Tourism Policy Analysis and Development
This course incorporates analysis of local, state, country and international tourism policies. Focus is on research, data collection and the formulation of tourism policy. Emphasis is given to the similarities and differences among the variety of tourism policies and their impact on the industry, community and other industry stakeholders. Major trends and challenges for policy creators are examined.
Offered at Providence
3 Semester Credits