Marketing (MRKT) Courses

MRKT1001 Marketing Foundations

In this course, students learn the dynamic role that advertising, marketing, media and branding play in today’s business, retail and public sector environments. Emphasis is placed on all aspects of integrated marketing communications and understanding the relationship between the brand and the consumer. Marketing fundamentals across multiple forms of media are explored in this course. Industry best practices and innovative marketing strategies are analyzed across digital and traditional forms of media.
Offered at Charlotte, Online, Providence
3 Semester Credits

MRKT1002 Consumer Behavior

Consumer behavior is a social science that applies sociology, psychology and marketing to examine the motivations and influences of purchase behavior. Students examine the various facets of the consumer decision process, including need recognition, consideration, conversion, purchase and post-purchase evaluation and digital aspects of the consumer decision journey.
Prerequisite(s): MRKT1001.
Offered at Charlotte, Online, Providence
3 Semester Credits

MRKT1011 Key Account Management

Students learn about buying processes and personalities, and how to target, prospect, approach and interview customers in order to determine unmet needs and potential opportunities. Consultative selling, learning about the customer before talking about the product, is explored in this course. Students learn through role-plays and skills-based training to build relationships with customers and other business partners in a relationship-oriented world.
Offered at Online, Providence
3 Semester Credits

MRKT2050 Market Research and Consumer Insights

This course provides students with a broad overview of market research methods and the role of research in developing consumer insights. Through both qualitative and quantitative research techniques students familiarize themselves with the appropriate uses and limitations of marketing research. Students increase their understanding of various marketing research techniques and gain insights into data-driven decision-making.
Prerequisite(s): ADVC1010 or MRKT1001, sophomore status.
Offered at Charlotte, Online, Providence
3 Semester Credits

MRKT3002 Brand Design

This is an advanced course with an emphasis on corporate brand identity development. The course sequence focuses on the development of research, strategy, and design, in particular the areas of organization, culture, and identity. Students study how complex organizations are defined by their public identities, and how those identities can be strategized and designed with the goal of applying the concepts to a client-based project. Topics include a five-step brand identity process and a showcase of best practices. Project-based activity include brand research, logo development, product packaging, marketing and advertising collateral, web branding, and broadcast advertising development as applicable to client need.
Prerequisite(s): ADVC1010 or MRKT2050 or MRKT3005, junior status.
Offered at Charlotte, Online, Providence
3 Semester Credits

MRKT3005 Brand Marketing

This course examines the role of a brand as an asset to an organization and the advantages of creating strong brands. Emphasis is placed on the creation, measurement, and strategic applications of brand equity. Topics covered include choosing brand elements, designing supporting marketing programs, leveraging secondary associations, building brand portfolios, and adjusting brand strategy over time and geographic boundaries. Particular emphasis is placed on the role of promotional mix elements in the communication of brand equity.
Prerequisite(s): MRKT1001.
Offered at Charlotte, Online, Providence
3 Semester Credits

MRKT3020 Product Development

This course examines the role of product development as a function of an integrated marketing system. Students explore the synergy of design and technology to create consumer value. Topics include innovation, concept generation, global sourcing, and manufacturing processes.
Prerequisite(s): MRKT1001.
Offered at Charlotte, Online, Providence
3 Semester Credits

MRKT3033 Brand Marketing and Analytics

This course examines the role of brand marketing as an essential asset for an organization; the advantages of creating, developing and managing strong relevant products of value; and the relation of product value to the organization’s supply chain. This course is designed to improve students’ marketing skills and understanding of specific marketing topics in brand and product management, brand communications, and the data-driven decision-making and analysis required to build, manage and communicate brand equity.
Prerequisite(s): ADVC1010, MRKT2050, sophomore status.
Offered at Charlotte, Online, Providence
3 Semester Credits

MRKT3045 Social and Digital Media Marketing

This course focuses on the strategic use of current and future social and digital media platforms. Students develop a social and digital media marketing plan using the major social media platforms and generative AI content creation tools for digital, mobile, social and video content. Students explore the use of digital and social media for creating personal and professional branding goals with measured results. Students are expected to have a basic understanding of various online and offline marketing strategies.
Prerequisite(s): ADVC1010 or DMSM1001 or FSM3075 or HOSP3075, sophomore status.
Offered at Charlotte, Online, Providence
3 Semester Credits

MRKT3050 Sales Management

Students explore the selling profession and sales management. Students demonstrate expertise in important sales management responsibilities such as developing a presentation, handling objections, territory management, account management, leadership, influence, motivation, recruiting, compensation and budgeting. Students learn through role-play and skills-based training to build relationships with customers and other business partners in a relationship-oriented world.
Prerequisite(s): ENG1030, MRKT1001, sophomore status.
Offered at Charlotte, Online, Providence
3 Semester Credits

MRKT3085 Marketing Analytics

This course is designed to teach students how to read and analyze marketing dashboards, which provide key insights about consumers that align with organizational objectives. Students compare and contrast different types of marketing metrics categories. Students learn how to understand brand loyalty from the customer's data profile. Students gain experience with dashboard systems, which better prepares them for positions in the world of big data and the marketing analytics field.
Prerequisite(s): FSM3075 or HOSP3053 or MRKT1001, junior status.
Offered at Charlotte, Online, Providence
3 Semester Credits

MRKT4030 International Marketing

This course explores various differences in cultural, economic and legal factors as they relate to the marketing process. This is a systematic treatment of marketing on a global scale, extending basic principles into foreign marketing requirements. Students learn to identify and evaluate problems in the international marketplace and propose solutions and implementation strategies to resolve those problems.
Prerequisite(s): BUS3010 or MRKT3005, junior status.
Offered at Charlotte, Providence
3 Semester Credits

MRKT4055 Global Strategic Marketing and Advertising

This capstone course is designed to develop the students’ ability to implement an exciting and cohesive brand marketing and advertising strategy, adaptable to a changing business environment. It is a necessity for meaningful career preparation and placement of students in the fields of marketing and advertising. This capstone course requires participants to develop skills essential to anticipating and responding to constantly changing needs of customers and markets. It is a thorough examination of marketing strategy and integrated advertising campaign, using a combination of text and case materials.
Prerequisite(s): MRKT2050, senior status.
Offered at Charlotte, Online, Providence
3 Semester Credits

MRKT5500 Strategic Marketing

This course is designed for students who can apply skills and knowledge gained through previous courses or experience. The course emphasizes issues of setting a viable marketing strategy through segmentation, targeting and positioning in today's competitive global marketplace. Through case studies, course readings, lecture and student presentation opportunities, students address a wide range of marketing problems, many of which involve strategy. Additionally, through the cases and readings, students are exposed to a broad spectrum of marketing environments such as products and services or consumer markets versus business markets. The role of brand management in today's competitive environment is presented.
Prerequisite(s): RSCH5700 or RSCH5800.
Offered at Online, Providence
3 Semester Credits

MRKT6010 Advertising and Promotional Strategies

This course is focused on researching the marketplace, forecasting, planning, problem-solving and decision-making as they apply to promotional activities. Students investigate the various areas of promotion, learn the skills necessary to work with an outside agency or an internal department, and analyze the major components of personal selling, advertising, sales promotion and public relations. Topics discussed include advertising objectives, budget, media strategies, client-agency relationships and measuring advertising effectiveness.
Prerequisite(s): MRKT5500, RSCH5700 or RSCH5800.
Offered at Online, Providence
3 Semester Credits

MRKT6035 Brand Management

This advanced marketing course focuses on the role of brand management in organizations, both large and small. A key component of this course is the historical development and current evolution of brands. The role of technology is explored. Current issues in brand management are an integral part of this course.
Offered at Online, Providence
3 Semester Credits

MRKT6125 Marketing in the Digital Environment

This course is designed to give students an understanding of the elements of data-driven marketing as an integrated part of a total marketing program. Upon completion of this course, students should have an understanding of databases, data-driven marketing, email marketing, social media advertising, and other forms of electronic media as they are used in data-driven marketing programs.
Offered at Online, Providence
3 Semester Credits

MRKT6140 Digital Analytics for Marketing Managers

This course is designed to teach students how to utilize marketing analytics to measure, analyze and manage marketing performance efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Students learn how to read and analyze marketing dashboards, which provide consumers insights and prepares them for positions in the world of big data and marketing analytics. Students learn how to understand brand loyalty from the customer's data profile and apply analytics tools such as web analytics, competitive analysis, customer journey, and market segmentation to inform marketing decisions, forecast sales, create customer profiles, and customize elements of the marketing program.
Offered at Online, Providence
3 Semester Credits

MRKT6543 Social Media & Internet Marketing

This course provides students with a broad view of the evolution of social media and internet marketing. Social media and internet marketing integration into a communication strategy are presented for both for-profit and nonprofit organizations. Students are challenged to execute social media and internet advertising and measure the results. Analyses of research include qualitative and quantitative examination. Students are expected to have a solid understanding of the traditional marketing mix and a working understanding of social media and internet advertising.
Prerequisite(s): MRKT5500.
Offered at Online, Providence
3 Semester Credits