Management (MGMT) Courses
MGMT2001 Human Resource Management
Human Resource Management (HRM) is the strategic approach to the management of people in an organization. Organizational Behavior (OB) is the way people think, work and behave in an organization. The field of HRM is reliant on OB; it considers the behavior of individuals and groups within organizations and explores how to effectively lead employees to achieve the organization’s goals. This course provides students with knowledge, skills and understanding of HRM and OB to prepare them for using organizational behavior knowledge to practice effective management of human resources (employees). Topics in HRM include job design, recruitment, selection, training and development, performance appraisal, compensation, compliance with employment regulations and laws, labor relations, and strategic human resource management. Topics in OB include motivation, learning, and organizational culture.
Prerequisite(s): BUS1001 or EVNT1001 or FSM1001 or HOSP1001 or SEE1001 or SPM1001.
Offered at Charlotte, Online, Providence
3 Semester Credits
MGMT2020 Organizational Behavior
This course prepares students for changing workplace dynamics and individual and group behaviors in organizations. The course also provides a foundation for business students to understand the strength in diversity and how to respect individuality while encouraging belonging. In this course, students explore diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging, as well as countering bias. Students also explore teams, decision-making, providing/receiving feedback, negotiating, communication, leadership, and personality/dispositions.
Offered at Charlotte, Online, Providence
3 Semester Credits
MGMT2030 Operations and Supply Chain Management I
This course provides an overview of the fundamentals of operations and supply chain management in the manufacturing and service sectors. The course reflects the changing face of operations from an internally focused supportive function to a strategic part of the enterprise value chain. Topics include the supply chain model, product and process design, project management, process analysis, total quality management, and sustainability.
Prerequisite(s): BUS1001 or FSM2045 or HOSP1001.
Offered at Charlotte, Online, Providence
3 Semester Credits
MGMT3005 Workforce Planning and Deployment
This course explores the human resource processes of workforce planning, including sourcing, recruiting, hiring and retaining and mobilizing talent within the organization. Subtopics include developing and evaluating sources of talent, succession planning, and the legal environment's impact on such managerial actions.
Prerequisite(s): MGMT2001.
Offered at Online, Providence
3 Semester Credits
MGMT3015 Labor Relations
This course explores labor relations within organizations and the processes used to clarify and manage relationships with employees, specifically in unionized environments. Emphasis is on assessing how union, governmental and workforce policies, practices, history and functions relating to labor management in the public and private sectors affect business and human resource management.
Prerequisite(s): MGMT2001.
Offered at Online, Providence
3 Semester Credits
MGMT3030 Managerial Technology
This course surveys the relationship of technology with the managerial process, strategic competitiveness, operational effectiveness and the business enterprise. The course explores technologies typically available to business managers, and how those technologies can be leveraged to increase organizational and professional success. Students are also exposed to approaches and managerial practices through demonstrations, case studies, simulations and experience-based exercises.
Prerequisite(s): FIT1040, MGMT2030.
Offered at Charlotte, Online, Providence
3 Semester Credits
MGMT3035 Operations and Supply Chain Management II
This course expands on students' knowledge of operations and the supply chain by introducing students to qualitative and quantitative methodologies used by operations and supply chain professionals. The course covers key concepts in the areas of forecasting, capacity, utilization, scheduling, inventory management, and planning including MRP and ERP. Students apply these concepts and their associated methodologies to common problems faced by organizations.
Prerequisite(s): MATH2001, MGMT2030.
Offered at Charlotte, Online, Providence
3 Semester Credits
MGMT3040 Process and Quality Management
This course thoroughly examines the concept of quality management as well as tools and approaches used to manage quality improvement efforts in organizations. Students are exposed to the theoretical and practical issues to prepare them to initiate quality and process improvements in their business careers, suitable for operations management and other functional professionals.
Prerequisite(s): MGMT2030, MATH2001.
Offered at Online, Providence
3 Semester Credits
MGMT3045 Logistics
This course acquaints students with the basic concepts of product distribution and the terminology used in the logistics field. The course recognizes the changing face of logistics from an internally focused supportive function to a strategic part of the enterprise value chain. Students learn the process of planning effective product distribution and discuss methods of transportation and traffic management techniques. Emphasis is on the following major areas: the supply chain model, product and process design, project management, inventory and inventory management, warehouse management, global logistics and sustainability and risk management.
Prerequisite(s): MGMT2030.
Offered at Online, Providence
3 Semester Credits
MGMT3050 Compensation, Benefits and Total Rewards
This course explores the dynamic profession of compensation, benefits and total rewards management. Topics are explored through the perspective of the human resources professional, which provides a view of the ever-changing world of employee reward development, government and regulatory changes, and expectations of both the employer and employee in a competitive business arena.
Prerequisite(s): MGMT2001.
Offered at Charlotte, Online, Providence
3 Semester Credits
MGMT3055 Procurement
This course acquaints students with the basic concepts of purchasing and supply chain management. Emphasis is on the organization and operation of the procurement department, principles and procedures in purchasing processes, strategy, and planning (ERP, MRP, WMS, etc.). This course covers price considerations, quality, commodity management/sourcing, the negotiation process, legal aspects in purchasing, social responsibilities/ethics, supplier selection, supplier management and e-commerce/technology management.
Prerequisite(s): MGMT2030.
Offered at Online, Providence
3 Semester Credits
MGMT3060 Training and Development
This course explores training and development in a competitive global business environment. The course reviews research findings that support training and development as an essential component of effective business performance. Students explore the relationship between business strategy and strategic training and development, as well as the relationship between learning theory and effective training and development. Students design and deliver training in the classroom setting.
Prerequisite(s): MGMT2001.
Offered at Charlotte, Online, Providence
3 Semester Credits
MGMT4020 Strategic Management
This course provides students with the fundamentals of business strategy. The first part of the course addresses environmental analyses and the tools used to assess these environments. The second part of the course addresses the different strategies a firm may choose at both the firm- and business-unit level, and how the chosen strategic position is strengthened through internal alignment. The third part addresses the theories behind developing sustainable competitive advantage. Leadership and corporate ethics are also discussed.
Prerequisite(s): Senior status.
Offered at Charlotte, Online, Providence
3 Semester Credits
MGMT4030 Senior Business Capstone
This capstone course requires students to synthesize knowledge gained from previous coursework in business strategy, operations, finance, production, marketing, information technology, human resource management and corporate social responsibility to make decisions in a simulated business environment.
Prerequisite(s): MGMT4020, senior status.
Offered at Charlotte, Online, Providence
3 Semester Credits
MGMT4050 Contemporary Issues in Operations and Supply Chain Management Strategy
This course examines the operations and supply chain function as an organization's source for developing a sustainable, competitive advantage. The concept of operations is viewed from the perspective of the firm's entire value chain. The impacts of technology, globalization and contemporary issues are examined in depth. Through the use of business cases and/or simulations, students apply operations management techniques and tools to determine strategies and make operational and supply chain decisions.
Prerequisite(s): BUS3010 or MGMT4020, senior status.
Offered at Online, Providence
3 Semester Credits
MGMT4140 Human Resource Management Seminar
This seminar course focuses on emerging areas within the field of human resource management and the strategic deployment of human capital to support organizational strategy. Students research and examine these areas within the context of strategic and human resource management. Students then apply concepts from earlier coursework and assess the emerging area while identifying the appropriate changes within the human resource management practices to support day-to-day operations.
Prerequisite(s): MGMT3050, MGMT3060, junior status.
Offered at Online, Providence
3 Semester Credits
MGMT5323 Communication and Conflict Resolution
This course examines the underlying sources of conflict in professional settings and interactions, and how mindful, productive communication helps to minimize both tension and anxiety in communication exchanges. This course introduces daily organizational conflicts and how they impact organizational performance and outcomes. Students assess how communication can effectively alter their perceptions of conflict and how it can be used as a positive force for change and growth. Additionally, students diagnose a significant conflict in their own professional lives and develop an effective communication plan that eliminates workplace conflict that impacts the organization’s overall effectiveness.
Prerequisite(s): COMM5200.
Offered at Online, Providence
3 Semester Credits
MGMT5350 Talent Development
This course examines the specific elements that go into the identification of organizational talent and the methods by which that organization attracts, develops, engages and retains quality employees. Strategies to improve required competencies, encourage professional development and maintain the motivational levels of high-performing employees are also discussed.
Offered at Online, Providence
3 Semester Credits
MGMT5575 Operations Management
This course provides students with a broad introduction to the field of operations management in a realistic and practical manner. The course blends accounting, industrial engineering, management science and statistics to assist in solving real-world operations management problems. The course integrates case studies in many of the operations management areas of study, such as product design, quality, globalization and inventory control.
Prerequisite(s): EMGT5010 or RSCH5700 or RSCH5800.
Offered at Online, Providence
3 Semester Credits
MGMT5800 Effective Leadership
This course reviews how mid- to upper-level managers can become effective leaders by drawing on knowledge of the major concepts, theories and skills used in the field of organizational behavior. A major focus of this course is on developing leadership diagnostic and problem-solving skills through numerous analyses of situations that mid- to upper-level executives are likely to encounter and require their attention. Throughout this course, particular emphasis is placed on the ethical, international and multicultural dimensions of organizational leadership. Students conduct research on selected topics in the fields of leadership and organizational behavior. Students also participate in a wide variety of self-assessment exercises that will help them better understand what they need to do next to become more effective leaders.
Offered at Online, Providence
3 Semester Credits
MGMT5850 Women and Leadership in Society
This course is designed to offer students a critical analysis of interpersonal, social and cultural barriers related to women and leadership positions/roles within organizations in the US. Through a review of selected autobiographical stories of female leaders and historical data that explains the challenges faced by women within society, students develop a greater understanding of issues related to female leaders. In addition, students study the existing biases and expectations found in current organizations in order to identify ways to reduce the gender divide within their organizations.
Prerequisite(s): MGMT5800.
Offered at Online, Providence
3 Semester Credits
MGMT5885 Workplace Emotional Intelligence
In today’s business world, communication skills that demonstrate clarity and conciseness are often considered among the most valuable to possess. However, another kind of communication skill has become significantly important in contemporary organizational life. Emotionally intelligent communication is the ability to read individuals and successfully gauge their emotional tenor as they deal with others in a variety of workplace challenges. This course examines what emotionally intelligent and mindful communication is and how the practice of bringing presence to everyday work communications can be applied to numerous business interactions. The benefits and challenges associated with this kind of communication are also explored. Lastly, students are introduced to a number of tools and techniques that can enhance their mindful approach to communication and help build the interpersonal relationships critical to organizational success.
Prerequisite(s): MGMT5800.
Offered at Online, Providence
3 Semester Credits
MGMT6056 Contemporary Leadership Issues and Strategies
Building on concepts and skills acquired in the core leadership course (MGMT5800), this is an advanced leadership course that explores in depth the topic of how to deal with the multifaceted nature and challenges of contemporary leadership. Key themes in this course include identifying contemporary leadership issues and exploring the pros and cons of using different strategies to address these issues. Primary emphasis is on learning techniques that students can use to continue to develop their leadership skills as they progress in their respective careers. Employing a seminar/workshop format, students are required to research strategies for dealing with important contemporary leadership issues that they will pursue in depth and then present to the class. By the conclusion of this course, students are required to describe in writing the particular strategies, skills and sensibilities that they will need to continue to develop in order to fully realize their potential as leaders.
Prerequisite(s): MGMT5800, RSCH5700 or RSCH5800.
Offered at Online, Providence
3 Semester Credits
MGMT6150 Coaching and Consultation Skills
This course examines the theories that undergird the practices of executive coaching and organizational consulting. Topics covered include coaching and leadership principles, relevant competencies and communication skills, and contemporary ethical and legal issues. Students investigate applicable assessment tools and resources to apply effective ethical and professional principles of coaching and consulting to practice through the analysis of economic, market and competitive forces that impact business strategy and performance.
Offered at Online, Providence
3 Semester Credits
MGMT6210 Project Management
This course covers all knowledge areas in the project management body of knowledge (scope, schedule, budget, risk, procurement, communication, human resources and quality) and combines theory with practice. Students analyze real-world project scenarios and apply concepts of knowledge areas, tools and techniques to create concrete project management artifacts and solve typical problems that arise in business. This course provides industry best practices and current trends, going beyond the standard project management textbook material. Students work in teams to experience project management situations and practice leadership, communication and negotiating skills.
Prerequisite(s): EMGT5010 or MGMT5800.
Offered at Online, Providence
3 Semester Credits
MGMT6225 Team Dynamics
In today’s world, teams are a keystone of work life and managing change. The process of establishing and leading effective teams involves thoughtful attention to diverse personalities, perspectives and skill sets in addition to many other sociocultural factors. This course analyzes the impact of individual, group and organizational variables on team dynamics, and vice versa. Students critically discuss key theories, research and principles on teamwork and apply them to address an array of problems faced in modern actual and virtual team settings through case studies, as well as group and individual projects.
Offered at Online, Providence
3 Semester Credits
MGMT6310 Designing & Managing Supply Chains
This course examines the logistics management and components, design and operations, and administration and risk of supply chains, including technology. Areas covered include supply chain theory and practice, logistics and planning, procurement and buying, information management, inventory management, transportation infrastructure, network and operations design, and performance and risk measure. Upon completion of the course, students have an overall understanding of how to build and operate an efficient supply chain and understand the individual components of the chain.
Prerequisite(s): MGMT5575.
Offered at Online, Providence
3 Semester Credits
MGMT6320 Global Strategic Sourcing
In this course, students learn to design, build, evaluate and manage a global sourcing network for a business. Focus includes theories of how strategic global sourcing benefits the firm including make/buy analysis, supplier evaluation and other key aspects. The majority of the course examines the components of global sourcing networks and how to build and combine these components into a full strategic sourcing supply model.
Prerequisite(s): MGMT5575.
Offered at Online, Providence
3 Semester Credits
MGMT6330 Global Logistics
This course examines the practice of global logistics. Students learn the aspects of current logistical practices, how logistics incorporates information technologies, the impact of logistics on financial measures of the firm, and how logistics are used in inventory management, facility location, warehouse operations and transportation management. Focus is on logistics in the global market; special attention is given to the application and understanding of international issues in the field.
Prerequisite(s): MGMT5575.
Offered at Online, Providence
3 Semester Credits
MGMT6340 Lean Production and Quality Control
This course examines various quality control techniques and methods with a concentration on achieving lean efficiency in all areas of operations. Areas covered include lean thinking, value-stream mapping, Gemba Kaizen, continuous process improvement methods, Kaikaku methods, work flow analysis, and error proofing operations and supply chains. Upon completion of the course, students are prepared to take the Lean Bronze Certification Exam.
Prerequisite(s): MGMT5575.
Offered at Online, Providence
3 Semester Credits
MGMT6360 Organizational Theory and Change
This course reviews and analyzes theory and research as they pertain to organizational design and change. Students discuss the influence of environmental forces on organizational effectiveness and change. Both classical and contemporary theories as well as practical models for organizational design and change are explored. Students are empowered as scholar practitioners to effectively influence change in organizational settings and discuss organizational design strategy in an ever-changing global environment.
Prerequisite(s): PSYC5400.
Offered at Online
3 Semester Credits
MGMT6440 Project Management Simulation I
This course is the first of two courses designed to be an advanced successor to MGMT6210. It allows students to apply their knowledge of project management to real-world projects in a simulated environment. Students are assigned projects at the beginning of this course and then create all of the required project management artifacts. They manage change and measure results of the deliverables throughout the term. Project “updates” are submitted each week and reviewed by the instructor (project sponsor). This first of two courses closes with the project sponsor changing scope of the project.
Prerequisite(s): MGMT6210.
Offered at Online, Providence
3 Semester Credits
MGMT6450 Project Management Simulation II
The second of two advanced courses, this course allows students to apply their knowledge of project management to real-world projects in a simulated environment. This course continues to build on the project assigned in Project Management Simulation I by adding the business components of human resource management, communications management and procurement management after the initial scope was modified at the conclusion of Project Management Simulation I. The course concludes with project closure procedures while continuing to manage change and measure results of the deliverables at the end of the term. Project “updates” are submitted each week and reviewed by the instructor (project sponsor).
Prerequisite(s): MGMT6440.
Offered at Online, Providence
3 Semester Credits
MGMT6800 Business Policy and Strategy
This interdisciplinary capstone core course focuses on how to create, identify and manage competitive advantage within an organization. Students are encouraged to use skills and insights developed during prior coursework as they strategically analyze contemporary business issues and cases. Throughout the course, particular emphasis is placed upon developing both a strategic perspective and a global viewpoint. Students formulate strategies and tactics that are appropriate for the different organizations under consideration. Readings, exercises and class discussions focus on real-world examples of strategic issues that students are likely to encounter as managers of organizational units. Tools and techniques for performing strategic analyses and stimulating innovative problem solving in a highly competitive global environment are covered in detail. Students complete a major comprehensive project that is graded collaboratively.
Prerequisite(s): Completion of 18 credits of graduate coursework.
Offered at Online, Providence
3 Semester Credits
MGMT6810 Graduate Seminar in Strategic Management
This elective seminar offers a review and discussion of the contemporary literature on management and strategy using source documents from the most recent professional publications and academic research. Students conduct and present in-depth analyses of selected topics in management science, including relevant research from organizational and social psychology. Through readings and discussions, students become familiar with evidence-based approaches that can lead to better decision-making processes. The wisdom of many management fads and conventional wisdom are questioned through examinations of the research in those areas.
Prerequisite(s): MGMT6800 (or concurrent).
Offered at Online, Providence
3 Semester Credits
MGMT7000 Organizational Strategy and Design
This course provides insights on how to build, change and organize business structures, as well as investigate strategic theories, tools and best practices, applied to real case studies. Students review scholarly literature and other sources of information on developing business strategy and organizational architecture.
Offered at Online
3 Semester Credits
MGMT7010 Organizational Behavior
The focus of this course is the theoretical and practical models and implications of organizational behavior and its relationship to individual, group and organizational challenges and opportunities. Students learn how to best leverage their human resources and create a productive and ethical work environment by studying concepts such as diversity in the workplace, perception and attribution processes, motivation and individual differences in organizations, group dynamics and decision-making, teamwork, leadership, job performance and satisfaction, and quality improvement programs.
Offered at Online
3 Semester Credits
MGMT7030 Innovation and Change
This course focuses on research, evaluation and application of organization change and innovation theories. Students evaluate change and innovation research and apply their understanding to the development and presentation of organization change plans. Students analyze cases and synthesize scholarly research related to their industry/and or interest area to produce a literature review supporting their doctoral research. Upon completion of this course, students are able to develop quantitative and qualitative proposals for organization change and innovation research.
Offered at Online
3 Semester Credits
MGMT7050 Contemporary Leadership Issues
This course is designed with the experienced leader in mind. Students learn the latest research pertaining to individual, team and organizational leadership. Emotional intelligence, particularly self-awareness, is the foundation for leadership competence and personal power. Students gain insights that serve as the foundation for authentic, positive communication (verbal and nonverbal), principled decision-making, and moral authority. Understanding leaders’ influence on organizational culture, climate, human resource development, and corporate social responsibility are a major part of this course. Communication technology, the shift of power to consumers, and changes in societal values are explored as powerful forces causing organizations to become transparent and integrate authentic values with brand image.
Offered at Online
3 Semester Credits
MGMT7070 Business Analytics and Intelligence
This course applies key concepts of business intelligence from an executive management perspective in the contemporary business environment. Students learn how to leverage big data and systems to develop and evaluate strategic alternatives, make better informed decisions, and effectively manage business. The course includes an overview of uses and users of business intelligence, as well as the type of applications and tools that may be deployed in business analytics to foster data-driven decisions in a digital and global economy.
Offered at Online
3 Semester Credits
MGMT7090 Executive Decision-Making
Students enhance critical thinking and reasoning skills concerning strategic business issues involving ambiguity and uncertainty. Students learn to structure the decision-making process and use quantitative techniques such as decision trees and simulation, as well as qualitative tools such as estimating probabilities. Estimating risk tolerance, prioritizing objectives, and the ability to generate and evaluate alternatives are covered for managerial decision-making.
Offered at Online
3 Semester Credits
MGMT7120 Advanced Strategies in Organization Development
This course focuses on aligning organizations with rapidly changing and complex environments through organizational learning, knowledge management and transformation of organizational norms and values. Key concepts of organizational development theory are discussed, including organizational climate (mood or personality, including attitudes and beliefs that influence members' collective behavior), organizational culture (deeply-seated norms, values and behaviors that members share) and organizational strategies (how an organization identifies problems, plans action, negotiates change, and evaluates progress).
Offered at Online
3 Semester Credits
MGMT8120 Organizational Interventions — Disruption and Change
Organizations experience both externally imposed disruption and internally planned changes. This course prepares students to diagnose the internal and external environments when disruption and change occurs and develop plans to support the organization as it undergoes changes. Students utilize research in several fields to make informed decisions and collect research within organizations to make decisions, including psychometric assessments. The course also prepares students to understand the psycho-social impact of such changes on the workforce and make appropriate group-level and individual-level interventions. Students develop coaching and process consultation skills for future application in organizational development.
Offered at Online
3 Semester Credits
MGMT9120 Leading and Managing Large-Scale Transformation
This course focuses on research, evaluation and application of management theories pertaining to large-scale organization transformation. This course builds upon the management foundations explored in the core courses of the program and complements the organization development concentration courses. Large-scale transformations of organizations are complex and multifaceted, and consequently require leaders to adopt numerous lenses to effectively understand and influence change. The four key theoretical frameworks are explored: 1) systems theories, 2) complexity theories as they pertain to organizational leadership, 3) global/international dimensions of organizational culture and 4) organizational ethics theories. Students analyze cases and synthesize scholarly research related to their industry/and or interest area to produce a literature review supporting their doctoral research.
Offered at Online
3 Semester Credits