Food Studies (FOOD) Courses
FOOD5030 Shaping the Future of Food
This project-based course provides students with the opportunity to explore the local food system from the unique perspective of a chef. Students meet local food producers, sample products, and investigate systemic issues related to the long-term viability of local food systems. Students analyze the impact chefs have within the food web and begin to research approaches to creating local, sustainable and more regenerative food systems.
Offered at Providence
3 Semester Credits
FOOD6030 Food Innovation & Technology Capstone
This action research-based course provides students the opportunity to investigate a systemic food system issue encompassing social, political, industrial or environmental constructs within their professional practice or area of choice. Students employ a critical lens to research and evaluate wicked problems in order to test and determine viable solutions to systemic challenges. This course builds an epistemological framework of inquiry, understanding of multiple perspectives, critical adaptive thinking, and responsible action.
Prerequisite(s): FOOD5030, IDES5030.
Offered at Providence
3 Semester Credits