Finance (FISV) Courses
FISV2000 Finance
This course is an introduction to the fundamental principles of finance, with a focus on financial statement analysis and decision making. The course encourages active learning through cases, class discussion and problem-solving. Students use traditional financial statements as well as managerial financial reports for use in learning essential decision-making processes. Major topics include financial statement analysis, fundamentals of risk and return, time value of money, various budgeting models, and alternative forms of financing. Excel and other decision support tools are used extensively throughout this course.
Prerequisite(s): ACCT1210 or ACCT2150, FIT1040 (or concurrent).
Offered at Charlotte, Online, Providence
3 Semester Credits
FISV3001 Investments
This course introduces students to investing and financial planning. Topics include the nature of capital markets and the roles that investment companies play between the investor and the corporation. Different asset classes, including equities and bonds, are covered. The role of the financial planning process, taxes and regulations are also considered.
Prerequisite(s): FISV2000.
Offered at Charlotte, Online, Providence
3 Semester Credits
FISV3005 International Finance
This course provides students with an overview of international banking and finance. Topics include the international dimensions of finance, foreign exchange rates, international sources of funds, international banking regulations, and the contrasts between European, Asian and American banking.
Prerequisite(s): ACCT1210.
Offered at Charlotte, Online, Providence
3 Semester Credits
FISV3015 Fundamentals of Financial Planning
This course introduces students to the financial planning process, client/planner interactions and personal financial statements development and assessment. Topics include cash flow and debt management, education planning, planning elements of risk management, investment planning and retirement planning. This course is specifically of interest to those students who wish to pursue careers as financial planners.
Prerequisite(s): FISV2000.
Offered at Charlotte, Online, Providence
3 Semester Credits
FISV3080 Financial Statement Analysis
This course includes the analysis and interpretation of external financial statements for various business entities as seen through the eyes of professional investors and creditors. The course explores various analytical techniques including comparative financial statement, trend and ratio analyses.
Prerequisite(s): ACCT2210, FISV2000.
Offered at Charlotte, Online, Providence
3 Semester Credits