Faculty Emeritus

  • James A. Anderson, Ph.D., professor; B.S., Rhode Island College; M.A., Rhode Island College; Ph.D., University of Rhode Island
  • Bernard LaBush, B.S., CPA, chairperson emeritus — department of accountancy, associate professor of accounting; B.S., Bryant College
  • George O'Palenick, M.A.T., CCE, CEC, AAC, chef emeritus; M.A.T., Johnson & Wales University
  • Carol Randall, M.S., CBE, CRI, chairperson emeritus — Office Education Department; associate professor of office education; B.S, Bryant College; M.S., University of Rhode Island
  • Paul Trznadel, Ph.D. (hon.), professor; B.S., Husson College; MBA, Suffolk University; M.S., Salve Regina University; Ph.D. (hon.), Johnson & Wales University
  • Domenic A. Vavala, Ph.D., FRSH, professor emeritus of health sciences & nutrition; B.A., Brown University; M.S., University of Rhode Island; M.A., Trinity University; M.Ed., University of Houston; Ph.D., Accademia di Studi Superiori Minerva; Sc.D., Med. Sc.D., Dr PH, Nobile Accademia di Santa Teodora Imperatrice (hon.); Ped.D., Studiorum Universitas Constantiniana (hon.); Litt.D., Universita Internazionale Sveva Federico, II; Ed.D., Accademia di San Cirillo (hon.); LLD (hon.), Fridericus II University; M.D. (hon.), Fridericus II University; D.H.S. (hon.), Johnson & Wales University; fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science; fellow, Texas Academy of Science; fellow, American Institute of Chemists; fellow, Royal Society of Health (London)

Dean Emeritus

  • Angela R. Renaud, Ed.D., dean emeritus, John Hazen White College of Arts & Sciences; B.A., University of Rhode Island; M.A., University of Rhode Island; Ed.D., Boston University
  • Thomas J. Farrell, M.A., dean emeritus, John Hazen White College of Arts & Sciences; B.A., University of Notre Dame; M.A., University of Rhode Island