Emergency Procedures

Effective emergency response requires the coordinated efforts of students, staff and faculty. Each member of the Johnson & Wales community should be prepared to act promptly when faced with an emergency. The university has developed an Emergency Management Plan that contains information on building evacuation procedures; emergency responses related to explosions, hazardous materials release and other threatening situations; and actions that should be taken if the campus is in “lockdown” or "shelter-in-place" condition.

This information can be found posted in classrooms or on the JWU Alerts webpage (under "Resources") or a paper copy may be requested at Campus Safety & Security. It is recommended that all students print copies of the Emergency Procedures Quick Reference Guide and Emergency Evacuations and Rally Points to have handy at all times when they are on campus. Rally point locations can be found on jwuLink (Pages > Campus Safety & Security > Charlotte Campus Safety & Security OR Providence Campus Safety & Security). Emergency preparedness involves everyone on campus. Students should do their part by reading all available information. The Emergency Procedures Quick Reference Guide is also published in the Annual Security Report and Annual Fire Safety Report which is available through Campus Safety & Security.

Johnson & Wales University uses the following systems to notify the university community in the event of an emergency:

JWU Alerts Webpage

Should an incident (natural or man-made) occur on or near campus, relevant information will be posted when appropriate on the JWU Alerts webpage.

University Email

JWU email accounts are another way the university may communicate with the university community in times of an emergency. Each member of the university community is assigned a JWU email account.