Before withdrawing from a course or the university, students should meet with their assigned academic advisor to address the impact of withdrawal on their status. Withdrawal should be a last resort, so students should consult with their course instructor and take advantage of university resources, such as tutoring or study skills assistance. Withdrawing from a course (especially a course that is a prerequisite requirement) could result in extra time at the university, additional charges and payments, and potentially more student loans. Any student enrolled solely in culinary or pastry laboratory courses who fails to attempt any of the scheduled courses may be considered to have withdrawn from the university.
Withdrawal may jeopardize or impact
- academic standing
- graduation date
- eligibility to remain in university housing
- eligibility to participate in athletic events
- financial aid eligibility (satisfactory academic progress)
- immigration status
- Veterans Administration benefits
It is the student’s responsibility to notify Student Academic Services or Online Student Services in person or in writing (via JWU email, fax or letter) of their intent to withdraw from a course or the university. Students are not permitted to withdraw from a course or the university during final exams. If students do not officially withdraw, they will remain registered for courses and will be graded accordingly.
Discontinuing attendance (e.g., not showing up for class or not accessing course materials in ulearn) or notifying an instructor does not constitute an official course withdrawal. Students who notify an instructor are still responsible for notifying Student Academic Services or Online Student Services to be considered officially withdrawn. Students may be withdrawn by an instructor from courses with specific attendance policies. Students should review Attendance for additional policies.
The date the withdrawal notification is received shall be the date used in determining the refund of fees, if applicable, in accordance with the Refund Policy.
A student who does not officially withdraw due to extenuating circumstances may submit a university enrollment dispute. Enrollment disputes must be submitted online within 30 days after the end of the semester in dispute. To submit a dispute, students must complete the appropriate form. No adjustments to tuition and fees or financial aid will be made until the dispute is researched and either approved or denied. No enrollment disputes will be considered after 30 days from the end of the semester in which the students intended withdrawal. Decisions will be made within 10 business days and students will receive notification via an email sent to the email address provided on the dispute form. The student must present supporting documentation that demonstrates serious and compelling reasons justifying the withdrawal and extenuating circumstances justifying its retroactive nature.
See the Course Withdrawal and University Withdrawal sections for more information regarding withdrawals.
Course Withdrawal
If a student drops a course after the add/drop period has ended, the process is referred to as a course withdrawal. Students may withdraw from a course by completing a Course Withdrawal Form with Student Academic Services or Online Student Services. A grade of W will be issued for each withdrawn course and recorded on the transcript as attempted credits. This grade is not calculated in the grade point average. A student who remains enrolled in one or more courses in the semester will not be eligible for a tuition credit. Students who withdraw from all courses will be withdrawn from the university and are subject to the University Withdrawal Policy.
Students must officially withdraw from a course by the course withdrawal deadline; otherwise, they will not be permitted to withdraw from the course and will be graded accordingly.
A withdrawal request after the deadline will only be permitted for extenuating conditions beyond the student’s control. Students must provide documentation of the condition, which must be approved by an academic advisor. The course grade under these circumstances will be NC.
Withdrawal deadlines for academic courses and courses with an experiential education component are published on the academic calendar.
University Withdrawal
University withdrawal is defined as a complete withdrawal from all classes in a semester. A complete withdrawal before the beginning of the semester start date will result in no financial responsibility for that semester.
Withdrawal from the university after the start of the semester, voluntary or not, will result in tuition charges in accordance with the Refund Policy. The date the withdrawal notification is received shall be the date used in determining the refund of fees, if applicable, in accordance with the Refund Policy. A grade of W will be issued for each withdrawn course and recorded on the transcript as attempted credits. This grade is not calculated in the grade point average. Students withdrawing from the university should note the following:
- Students receiving financial aid are required to complete an exit interview with Student Financial Services to discuss the impact of withdrawal on tuition charges and financial aid; the financial aid award (including grants, scholarships, loans and outside awards) for the current or subsequent semester may be affected.
- Students living in on-campus housing are required to contact Residential Life prior to the submission of their notice to discuss the impact of withdrawal on housing status. Students must vacate university housing within 24 hours of withdrawal, removing all personal belongings, returning keys and signing out at the front desk of their residence hall.
- When (or if) enrollment resumes, graduation date and academic progress are impacted. The university cannot guarantee when or if courses may be re-offered, or if the student can resume enrollment in their original program of study. Withdrawal from a prerequisite course may impact future course registration, if scheduled, and may impact the sequencing of remaining requirements.
Students may return to the university to register for a future semester, but are subject to the university’s Readmittance Policy.
The university reserves the right to withdraw students who fail to meet financial or specific attendance requirements or who, because of misconduct, disrupt the academic process in violation of the Student Code of Conduct.
In compliance with federal regulations, Student Academic Services will submit an enrollment update to the National Student Clearinghouse within 30 days of the withdrawal notification date, which is the date the student notified Student Academic Services of their intent to withdraw from the university.
Personal Leave from JWU
At the discretion of Johnson & Wales University (JWU), a personal leave may be granted for students in academic programs that currently have completion time limits; these programs include all doctorate programs, the Master of Science in Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics, and the Master of Science in Physician Assistant Studies (collectively, “Qualifying Programs”).
The request form is available on the jwuLink portal and must be completed by the student and approved by the program director as a prerequisite for a leave request to be granted. To be considered for a personal leave a student needs to be in good academic standing, meaning that the student’s current work in all courses meets or exceeds the minimum expected published GPA of the program in order to matriculate.
For financial aid recipients, under federal guidelines, a student on a personal leave is considered withdrawn from the university. A personal leave guarantees enrollment upon the student’s return but does not ensure placement in specific coursework. All prior account balances must be cleared, and the student must reapply for financial aid.
Procedure for Return: Students are required to inform the program of their intention to return after leave. A re-entry plan may need to be approved, and the student may have to meet certain conditions. In certain programs students must complete a new background check and possibly a drug screen and update clinical paperwork; or remediate certain courses. A student must submit a written request for re-entry to the program director a minimum of 30-days prior to re-entry. Students will be charged the current tuition rate and fees upon return.
Personal leave is typically granted for one semester at a time. However, the total duration of personal leave should not exceed six consecutive semesters or a maximum of two academic years.