Identification Cards
Official university student identification (ID) cards are issued to all students and must be carried at all times. Primarily serving as students' official university ID, the card is part of the JWU campus electronic security system, campus dining meal plan and transportation ridership. While on campus, students must display their student ID card (on a lanyard, clip, etc.).
All campus buildings are equipped with electronic card-access devices for security purposes. ID cards enable students to gain access to all campus administrative and academic buildings by simply passing the card before the reader device located near the entrance door. Residential student ID cards are programmed for 24-hour access to the individual’s assigned residence hall. ID cards are also programmed with students' meal plans for ease of transaction at a variety of campus dining service locations. The campus bus transportation service, and any public transportation service afforded by the university, can only be utilized with the university ID card.
Other uses of the ID card include accessing online university library services and print services at the university computer labs, purchasing tickets at Student Engagement, and attending various campus-related events held both on and off campus.
Use of the issued university ID is restricted to the person to whom the card is issued and whose photograph appears thereupon. Transferring a card to another person or using another person’s card for any reason is strictly prohibited. Any violation of this card-use rule will be referred to Community Standards and Conduct.
Once students receive their university ID, the following conditions shall apply:
- Immediately report a lost or stolen card to Campus Safety & Security.
- Lost or damaged ID cards will incur a $30 replacement fee.
- Students are only permitted one ID card.
All university-issued ID cards remain the property of Johnson & Wales University.
For Campus Safety & Security hours, location and contact information, please consult the Faculty/Staff Directory found in jwuLink as the JWU Staff Directory widget.