Campus Safety & Security
Campus Safety & Security promotes the safety and well-being of JWU students, faculty, staff and property. Campus Safety & Security contributes to the quality of university life by fostering an environment in which security is balanced with freedom of movement, and individual rights are balanced with community needs. JWU strongly encourages the prompt and accurate reporting of all suspicious or criminal activity that occurs on or near university property. Students and staff should report this activity immediately by calling 401-598-1103. In any emergency situation, students should dial 911. Please also follow up with a call to Campus Safety & Security at 401-598-1103. Officers are available to respond at any time, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Campus Safety & Security distributes crime alerts and community notices to keep students informed of any serious and continuing threat on or near campus. A daily log of all crimes is maintained by Campus Safety & Security in the Operations Center. The log is available to view.
Campus Safety & Security offers crime prevention programs for a variety of safety topics.
Students who would like to file a report with Campus Safety & Security because they witnessed a crime or were the victim of one should call 401-598-1103 and an officer will be dispatched to them. Students who wish to file a complaint or handle a routine business matter in person can visit the Downcity Campus Safety & Security office at 264 Weybosset St., Providence (open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year), or the Campus Safety & Security substation located on the Harborside Campus in The Harborside Academic Center (open Monday through Friday, 8am–4pm during the academic year when classes are in session; closed during the summer and university holidays). Anonymous reports can be submitted to Campus Safety & Security via Silent Witness (online only).
In compliance with the Higher Education Act, Johnson & Wales University publishes an Annual Security Report and Annual Fire Safety Report. The Annual Security Report discloses information about campus security and statistics concerning reported crimes that occurred on campus, on public property close to campus or on other property used or controlled by the university. The Annual Fire Safety Report discloses information about the campus fire safety policies and procedures, and statistics concerning the number of fires, deaths, injuries, fire drills and fire-related property damage within each residence hall. Copies of the Annual Security Report and Annual Fire Safety Report may be obtained by calling 401-598-1103 or by visiting the Campus Safety & Security website. The university maintains a log of all fires that occur in on-campus housing.
Any student who resides in a university residence hall has the option to designate a contact person to be notified if the student is determined to be missing for more than 24 hours. This option is only available to students who are living in JWU residence halls. If a student registers a confidential contact, the identity of his or her contact will be kept confidential and cannot be accessed by anyone except Campus Safety & Security, a limited number of authorized JWU officials and local law enforcement personnel if needed for the investigation of the student's disappearance. Confidential contacts may be registered by email from a student’s JWU-issued email account. Instructions for registering a confidential contact and further information regarding confidential contacts can be found on the Campus Safety & Security website.