Education and Prevention
Johnson & Wales University takes a proactive stance to educate its community regarding sexual harassment and methods of prevention, including addressing societal or environmental causes, alcohol use, awareness-raising, bystander behavior, definition of consent, healthy sexuality and relationships, risk reduction, and self-defense.
JWU’s programs may be in-person or online (depending in part on health and safety considerations). Programs may include a mix of guest speakers, university staff members, externally-created programs, and university-created programs, in the sole discretion of the university.
For students, education about sex-based harassment begins at new student orientation, where incoming students and involved families are invited to participate in educational sessions addressing the university’s stance against sex-based harassment.
Appropriate staff members are trained to handle issues of sex-based harassment and participate in programming designed to help students understand university expectations and policy (including where to obtain resources and where to report violations); the intersection between alcohol and sex-based harassment; and ways to reduce the risk of, as well as prevent, sex-based harassment. This programming promotes safety and introduces options to decrease perpetration, increase reporting, and empower individuals to take safe and comfortable bystander action.
Students are also encouraged to learn about safe and effective forms of bystander intervention to prevent harm or intervene when there is a risk of sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, or stalking. Bystander intervention means safe and positive options an individual may carry out that proactively promote safe and respectful interactions before the precursors to harm occur. Bystander intervention includes recognizing situations of potential harm, understanding institutional structures and cultural conditions that facilitate violence, overcoming barriers to intervening, identifying safe and effective intervention options, and taking action to intervene. The university addresses bystander behavior by participating in bystander intervention programs.
Prevention and education efforts continue throughout the year and are supported by multiple departments, such as Student Engagement (including student clubs and organizations and fraternities and sororities), Residential Life, Counseling Services and Athletics. This programming targets some combination of the following: addressing societal or environmental causes, alcohol use, awareness-raising, bystander behavior, definition of consent, healthy sexuality and relationships, risk reduction, and self-defense. The university provides education through its “Consent Initiative,” which informs students about the university’s expectations and policy (including where to obtain resources and where to report violations); the intersection between alcohol and sex-based harassment; and ways to reduce the risk of, as well as prevent, sex-based harassment.
Literature addressing issues of sex-based harassment is available from multiple departments including Athletics, Campus Safety & Security (“CS&S”), Community Standards & Conduct, Counseling Services, Equity & Compliance Services, the Bridge, Equity & Social Justice, Health Services, Residential Life, and Student Engagement.
Many of the educational initiatives offered to students are open to employees, and employees have the opportunity and are encouraged to participate in a variety of educational programs. In addition, employees are offered programming on the Prohibited Discrimination and Harassment (including Sexual Harassment) Policy, the Title IX Policy and Procedures, and this Policy.
For information regarding sexual assault and relationship violence awareness and prevention programming, contact the Title IX coordinator or the director(s) of the Bridge. Upcoming programs can also be found on jwuLink and the student calendar.
See additional information: Sexual Assault and Relationship Violence, Steps to Follow, Getting Help, Criminal and Disciplinary Action, Retaliation and State Laws.