Online Program Computer and Browser Requirements

In order to fully participate in online courses, each student is expected to have access to a desktop or laptop computer. Chromebooks and the apps for Apple and Android devices allow you to complete some online course tasks, but a desktop or laptop computer is required for successful completion of all online course tasks.

As of November 2024, your computer must also meet the following requirements. 

Browser (one or more of the following)
*Google Chrome, most recent stable version and two preceding versions
Internet Explorer — not supported
Microsoft Edge, most recent stable version and two preceding versions
Mozilla Firefox, most recent stable version and two preceding versions
Safari for MacOS and iOS, two most recent major versions
*Google Chrome is required for completion of any proctored exams.
Operating System
Windows 10 (64 bit) and above, or macOS 14 (Mojave) — 11 (Big Sur)
Memory: 4GB RAM
Storage: 1GB minimum available
Processor: Intel i5 or later (min 4 cores) or AMD A10 or Apple M1
Browser Settings
JavaScript enabled, popup blockers disabled and cookies enabled
Supplementary Software
Ability to save documents in a format that can be opened by Microsoft Office
Ability to view documents created in Microsoft Office
Anti-virus software
Internet Connection
Broadband connection (DSL, cable, ISDN, etc.) with consistent high-speed connectivity
Other Hardware
Speakers or a headset

Technical support is provided via the University IT Service Desk, which can be reached at 866-JWU-HELP (866-598-4357) or through a link in ulearn, the online course platform, or jwuLink, the university's portal.