Name, Pronoun and Gender Corrections/Updates
Students can update their name in university information systems and documents through two options: through a legal name change (Name Change) for first and/or last name which replaces previous name in all systems, or update and add a first name to select records and identifying documents without completing a legal name change (Name in Use).
Johnson & Wales University student information systems allow students to indicate their pronouns and/or gender identity via the jwuLink Personal Information Dashboard. Students who wish to update their legal sex in university systems and who have appropriate supporting documentation (i.e., a driver’s license, passport, or court order reflecting the corresponding legal sex) may email the The Bridge for review and next steps.
Name Change
Current and former students have the opportunity to change their names on university records by submitting a Name Change Request Form along with appropriate documentation showing that the student’s name has been officially changed. A copy of a court order, marriage certificate, passport or social security card are examples of documentation required to support an official name change. Upon receipt of the form and supporting documentation, the name change will be processed immediately (except when records exist on microfilm).
Important note for international students: International students' names must appear on university records exactly as they appear on the passport issued by the student's home country.
Name in Use
Students at JWU who use a first name (Name in Use) other than their legal name have the ability to have that name added as a "preferred name" to the university’s student information system (Banner), which will appear on most course rosters and online course discussion tools. Name in Use cannot replace a legal name for financial aid or immigration purposes. Official university communications will default to legal name (this includes mailings home). If or when a student legally changes their name, the university will make that change in the university system when the student submits a Name Change Request Form with the required documentation.
Currently, students can have their name in use reflected on
- their JWU student ID
- their university name tag or required uniform (academic or on-campus involvement/employment-based)
- the "preferred name" field in Banner, which appears on
- ulearn discussion boards
- uSucceed
- jwuLink
To request to add a Name in Use/preferred first name and/or update pronouns, you have the following options:
- Use the self-service menu via the Personal Information Dashboard on jwuLink. This will update many university systems as apps, including ulearn, uSucceed, GPS, jwuLink, rosters. View a video tutorial on how to make these updates here (updated: 7/24/2023)
- Update JWU Wildcat Email Display Name and JWU Zoom Name: submit a Helpdesk ticket requesting an update of the Display Name (First Name and/or Middle Initial/Name only) via email or calling 866-598-4357 (HELP)
- Update your JWU ID: visit ID Services (Providence), Campus Safety & Security (Charlotte), or email (College of Professional Studies)
- Contact Student Support & Advocacy Services for support navigating any of these systems
- Complete the online General Name in Use Update form. This online form allows students to select one or multiple options to have their name updated in various university systems.
- Contact Student Academic Services (SAS) to have your name in use added to the "preferred name" field in Banner. This will automatically transfer to ulearn discussions, uSucceed, jwuLink, and GPS. You may email this request.
- Update your JWU ID card and, when applicable, JWU name tag, with your Name in Use at no additional cost (there is a fee for lost IDs). Photo can but does not need to be updated for this request. Current ID must be turned in to receive an updated ID and avoid charge.
- Providence Campus students: Speak with JWU ID Services at the Student Services Center.
- Charlotte Campus students: Speak with JWU Campus Safety & Security.
- College of Professional Studies students: Contact Student Support & Advocacy Services for assistance.
We recognize that at the time of initial order, students may not have indicated their name in use be embroidered on their uniform required chef jacket. To see if you are eligible for a replacement jacket with your name in use at no additional cost, contact JWU Special Events.
Students eligible for graduation may contact the Providence or Charlotte Commencement Committee to update the name displayed in the Commencement Program and/or Name Card (read as the student crosses the stage at commencement). Name Card can also be updated the day of commencement. Please note: Diplomas and transcripts cannot be updated without a legal name change and submitting a Name Change Request Form with required documentation.
Former students who have had a legal name change after graduation or separation can submit a Name Change Request Form with required documentation and then request an updated diploma and/or transcript.
Please note that these processes may shift over the year due to technology upgrades as we work to improve our systems.
Students may also contact Student Support & Advocacy Services or the The Bridge with specific questions or for assistance with any of the above steps and review additional resources available.