What To Do

What Should I Do If I Am A Victim Of Or Learn About Possible Discrimination or Harassment?

  1. If you think you are a victim of or learn about possible discrimination or harassment, you should report it. The university encourages individuals to come forward with concerns, regardless of whether the individual is personally involved in the matter, and offers various methods to report.
  2. There is no obligation to address the matter directly with the potential offender. Occasionally, people are able to resolve a potentially harassing situation by speaking with the offending party directly about the conduct at issue. Informal discussions will sometimes resolve the problem; however, that may not always be appropriate. If you do not feel comfortable discussing it directly with the offending party or if the conduct at issue continues, you should notify the nondiscrimination coordinator, Human Resources, or Campus Safety & Security as set forth under the section Filing A Complaint. Managers and supervisors are required to report any complaint they receive, or any discrimination, harassment, or retaliation they observe or of which they become aware, to the nondiscrimination coordinator or Human Resources.
  3. Discrimination and harassment, including sexual harassment, constitute misconduct; the university will sanction those engaging in such misconduct, as well as managers and supervisors who fail to report suspected discrimination, harassment, or retaliation or who knowingly allow such misconduct to continue without taking appropriate remedial steps.
  4. Reports may also be made confidentially and anonymously by filling out an online confidential report via the Equity & Compliance Services webpage or by calling the JWU Reporting Hotline and leaving a message by dialing 1-833-JWU-LINE (1-833-598-5463).
  5. For a list of state and federal government enforcement agencies, please see the section Enforcement Agencies.