Investigation and Resolution
- Once discrimination or harassment has been reported, the university will promptly commence a confidential investigation that appropriately seeks to limit disclosures to those with a need-to-know. The investigation is designed to identify the facts and to protect the rights of all persons involved, including complainants and respondents. The investigation may involve meeting with and interviewing the parties, providing the parties the opportunity to identify witnesses or present other information, interviewing witnesses with relevant knowledge, and reviewing other relevant materials and documents. The university makes reasonable efforts to preserve anonymity where possible and requested; however, the university cannot guarantee anonymity if disclosure is necessary to investigate or resolve the situation or put an end to any discriminatory and/or harassing behavior in compliance with applicable law.
- The university will make reasonable efforts to complete the investigation and determine an outcome within 60 days of receipt of the complaint; however, that may not always be possible. Upon a determination that a violation of this Policy has occurred, the university will take action to prevent the recurrence of the harassing or discriminatory behavior and to mitigate its effects, including providing appropriate remedies or sanctions up to or including termination or dismissal from the university. In some instances, the university may take immediate interim action to help protect an individual or the community.
- All employees, including managers and supervisors, are required to cooperate with any internal investigation of sexual harassment.