Parking Areas

Resident Students

Resident students can purchase parking in the Cedar Street parking deck from Standard Parking. Their business office can be reached by calling 704-343-9604, Monday through Friday, 9am–5pm.

Commuting Students

Commuting students who bring a car to campus can obtain a permit for parking in Lot B, located at 709 W. Trade St. across from Cedar Hall North and one block from the Academic Center. Lot B is able to accommodate approximately 225 vehicles. Rates can be found online.


The university strongly advises all students to remember that parking permits are issued on a first-come, first-served basis. Once all available parking is occupied, there are additional parking structures in the area that can be used. These parking facilities are not operated by Johnson & Wales and parking agreements at their locations are solely between the operator and the vehicle owner. Johnson & Wales accepts no liability for use of these facilities.

For more information about parking, please call the Charlotte Campus Safety & Security office or visit the Transportation webpage.