Additional Readmittance Criteria

  • Any readmittance to the university is subject to the university’s current admissions requirements.
  • Students will not be readmitted into a program that has been discontinued.
  • Students seeking readmittance after academic suspension/dismissal must include documentation in their request that indicates improvement in areas of deficiency. A decision will be determined by the Academic Appeals Committee. Please refer to the Academic Dismissal and Appeal Process.
  • Readmittance after a university suspension must be done so in accordance with the process outlined by Community Standards and Conduct.
  • Students requesting readmittance after attending another institution must meet residency requirements. Students must submit an official college transcript to Student Academic Services within the first semester of their readmittance for the university to review transfer credit.
  • International students must be cleared and approved by International Student Services Office.
  • Students must have submitted verification of high school completion and/or bachelor’s degree completion (as applicable) in order to be approved for readmittance.

To submit an application for readmittance, students must complete the Readmittance Application for on-Campus Programs or Online Program Readmittance Request form. The readmittance application should be submitted prior to the deadline for the requested semester.

Once the application is received, the student will be sent an email to the email address provided on the form to acknowledge and/or clarify their intentions to readmit. Students must reply with the information requested for the application to be processed. Please allow up to 10 business days for processing. If approved, the student will receive instructions regarding course registration, as well as the presence of any holds, which must be cleared prior to being permitted to participate in course registration.