Graduation Requirements

Please see the appropriate section for information regarding graduation requirements.

Graduation Review

Students are reviewed for graduation when they have completed all requirements in their program of study. Graduation is not recorded until after the semester has ended, grades have been received, and the degree audit of each expected graduate has been reviewed. Confirmation of graduation will occur approximately 30 days after final semester grades have been submitted. Students who have met the degree requirements for their program of study but continue to enroll in courses in a subsequent semester will automatically be enrolled as an extension student in the subsequent semester and will be ineligible for financial aid.

Rules to Determine Catalog Year for Graduation

  • The catalog in effect for the semester a student is admitted to the university for their program of study is assigned as the student’s “catalog year.” Students will follow the program requirements specified in their catalog year to progress toward graduation.
  • Students who are continuously enrolled will maintain their catalog year. Students with a break in enrollment of more than one year will follow the catalog in effect at the time of readmittance, in accordance with the Readmittance Policy. When a student changes their major, they will follow the new catalog in effect for the term the change is effective.
  • When the university discontinues a program, students who are currently enrolled in the program will be allowed a specified amount of time to complete the requirements as long as continuous enrollment is maintained. Additional students may not declare a program that has been discontinued.

Graduation Application

Each student is required to submit an online graduation application in jwuLink for each expected degree (i.e., associate, bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral) at least one semester prior to completion. This application ensures that 1) students are reviewed for degree completion at the end of the correct semester, 2) students' names are printed correctly on their diploma and 3) students receive their diploma at the correct address. Please note the following:

  • Failure to submit an application may result in delayed graduation.
  • The graduation application is not an application for commencement participation. It informs the university of a student’s intent and expected time frame to complete their specified degree. It also designates the student’s diploma information.
  • Graduation application submission does not imply degree completion.
  • Before submitting an application, students should refer to their degree audit to review program requirements and confirm their expected degree completion semester.
  • Students completing a certificate program must complete a graduation application, but are reminded that, as non-degree recipients, they are not eligible to participate in commencement.
  • In the event that degree requirements are not met in the application term, students are required to submit a new graduation application for the semester in which they expect to complete the outstanding requirements. Failure to submit a new application may result in delayed graduation.
  • When a graduation application has not been submitted, the student's name will be printed on the diploma as listed in university records, and the permanent home address on file will be used for diploma mailing.

Additional Graduation Obligations

In addition to submitting a graduation application, students must complete exit counseling online and attend an exit counseling session with Student Financial Services during the last semester of enrollment. Completion of these steps does not imply degree completion or attendance at commencement ceremonies; refer to Commencement for information on the ceremonies.

Undergraduate Degree Candidates

Graduation requires successful completion of a prescribed sequence of study and a minimum 2.00 grade point average. Students with a cumulative GPA below 2.00 will not be in compliance with the criteria for good academic standing and may be subject to academic dismissal. Furthermore, as required by their program, all students must successfully complete any and all requirements as indicated on their degree audit.

All associate-level degrees require the completion of a minimum of 60 semester credits. All career-focused bachelor's-level degrees require the completion of a minimum of 90 semester credits. All bachelor’s-level degrees require the completion of a minimum of 120 semester credits. While most programs have variations that require slightly more semester credits for completion, no program requires fewer than the 60/90/120 semester credit minimum.

Eligible undergraduate degree candidates receive cum laude, magna cum laude and summa cum laude recognition based on their graduating overall grade point average. Students with the designated graduating GPA are eligible to receive honors as follows: cum laude, 3.50–3.69; magna cum laude, 3.70–3.89; and summa cum laude, 3.90–4.00.

For publication purposes in the commencement program, the honors status of students completing remaining course requirements in or following the spring semester is determined by the cumulative GPA at the end of the fall semester of the previous year. A student’s final GPA will be used to record graduating honors, as applicable on the student’s diploma and academic transcript.

Please see Grade Point Average for information regarding the formula for calculating GPA.

Graduate Degree Candidates

Graduation is not recorded until after the semester has ended, grades have been received and the degree audit of each expected graduate has been reviewed. Confirmation of graduation will occur approximately 30 days after final semester grades have been submitted.

Upon verification, the degree or certificate is awarded and noted in the student information system so that it displays on official JWU transcripts. Diplomas are ordered and mailed after the degree or certificate verification process is complete.

Graduation requires successful completion of a prescribed sequence of study and a minimum grade point average of 3.00 (3.25 for Ed.D. candidates). Students with a cumulative GPA below 3.00 (3.25 for Ed.D. candidates) will not be in compliance with the criteria for good academic standing and may be subject to academic dismissal. In addition, DBA, DPT, Ed.D. and OTD students must not receive a grade lower than B- in any course.

All master-level degrees require the completion of a minimum of 30 semester credits. While most programs have variations that require slightly more credits for completion, no program requires fewer than the 30 semester credit minimum.

For program-specific requirements, please refer to the program page.