English as a Second Language (ESL) Course Registration
English as a Second Language (ESL) is a program that offers instruction in reading, grammar, oral communication, and writing through the JWU Global — English Language & Culture Academy (ELCA) for students who need to build their English language proficiency skills for academic purposes.
Students requiring ESL courses will be registered by Student Academic Services until all ESL requirements are successfully completed. A schedule hold is in effect during this time which prevents students from making changes to their schedule.
Students enrolled in ESL courses will be allowed no more than three attempts to successfully complete each course. Students who are unsuccessful after the second attempt of a course will be assigned an academic standing hold and be placed on academic probation. Students who are unsuccessful after the third attempt of a course will be academically dismissed.
In anticipation of successful program completion, schedule holds will be released during the student’s final semester in the ESL program. Registration for the following semester will be completed by Student Academic Services based on the student’s respective degree program requirements. Registration for all subsequent semesters will be the responsibility of the student. Unsuccessful completion of the ESL program in its entirety as expected will result in the reactivation of the schedule hold and re-registration into the ESL program accordingly.
Note: Students are responsible for the curriculum specified in the catalog year of their first semester registered for degree program courses. Additionally, prior college transcripts and/or previous transfer credits will be reviewed and may be adjusted based on the student's new catalog. All students are required to complete English and/or mathematics placement testing.
Upon placement and enrollment in ESL classes, students are expected to remain continuously enrolled and must successfully complete the remaining ESL program courses prior to enrollment in their degree program courses. English proficiency test scores submitted after the start of the ESL program will not be considered, and will not exempt the student from completing any remaining ESL courses.
Testing out of ESL Policy
ESL students interested in the opportunity to test out of the ELCA program with an external English proficiency exam credential need to request in writing to the ELCA department chair their interest by mid-semester. The ELCA committee will look at all requests and either “approve” or “deny” based on feedback from the ESL instructors and academic performance of the student. All decisions will be delivered via email to the student. In order to qualify for this opportunity, students need to have applied to Admissions and gain acceptance into an academic major at the university (undergraduate or graduate). If approved, the student is required to finish the current semester ESL courses they are enrolled in with passing grades. Please note: Students who take an external exam without gaining permission and ask afterwards will not be approved by the ELCA committee.